Agenda item

Local Highways Investment Fund 2014 - 2020 and Highways maintenance Service Update

The Board will consider the list of proposed highway maintenance schemes in Southern Wiltshire for 2014/15, as detailed in the attached report. We will also hear about the organisation of the Local Highways team.


Officers: Parvis Khansari, Associate Director for Highways and Transport & Adrian Hampton, Head of Local Highways and Streetscene South.


Local Highways Investment Fund - 2014 - 2020

Parvis Khansari, Associate Director for Highways and Transport gave an update to the Board.


Wiltshire Council had recently approved a major programme of investment in highway maintenance over the next six years. This would see a significant improvement in the condition of the county’s highway network.


The investment would be targeted at those roads in worst condition, and would include minor roads as well as the main roads. An initial assessment based on road safety information and road condition data had been used to prepare a list of priority sites for treatment in 2014/15 in each community area. This information was provided in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report attached to the agenda.


A provisional list of sites for potential treatment until 2020 had also been prepared and attached to the agenda as appendices 3 and 4.


Comments and questions were taken, these included:


·       There is a new Petersfinger Road past the Park & Ride path, up to the bridge. We need to have a pathway from there to the medieval bridge. Answer: Cllr McLennan pointed out that work is already in hand to pursue this by building a footpath inside the field between the medieval bridge and the nursing home.

·       With regards to budgets, and the B3080 at Downton, how do you look at adjacent footpaths when resurfacing the roads? Answer: We look at the road in totality, including drainage, street lighting, and paths and include in the costings if required.

·       Is there a problem with implementing new red coloured surfacing? Answer: The red linings are really only used now at the entrances to pedestrian crossings to improve safety.

·       Will the budget cover white lines? Answer: We have a bigger programme of white lining than ever before. We are trying to catch up.



Highways Maintenance Service Update

Adrian Hampton, Head of Local Highways, parking enforcement and grass cutting, gave an update to the Board.


Adrian introduced Tracy Myers, Local Highways, Community Coordinator for Southern Wiltshire. Tracy was based in the Wilton office where he coordinates all of the services for the Area Board and Town and Parish Councils.


Residents could contact the Local Highways team by using the ‘My Wiltshire’ online form, or by downloading the app to a mobile phone. These services would replace the Clarence phone number. Link:


Comments and questions were then received, these included:


·       Would the green lid bins be emptied if they were overfilled? Answer: This was a waste related question to which Tracy Carter, Associate Director for Waste and Environment, provided an answer. In order to lift the bins safely with the vehicles, the lids must be closed. If they are open because they are overfilled, then they may not be emptied.


·       There had been a number of local complaints to parishes that the grass cutting had been carried out too late, resulting in the wild flowers growing at the time being cut. Answer: In urban areas, there are two scheduled cuts per year, the schedule had been behind, but was now back on track. The rural cut would be taking place in May and June.


·       There was a group of parish councils which wished to take on their own grass cutting maintenance contract. Answer: We are aware that there are some areas which did not wish to have their grass cut when we had it scheduled. It is about engaging with our communities to work out what they want.


The Chairman thanked Parvis and Adrian for attending and added that he welcomed future involvement and the ability to provide input into decisions.


Supporting documents: