Agenda item

13/00636/FUL - Brook Cottages, Gasper, Stourton, Warminster, BA12 6PY

A site visit for Members has been arranged for this application.


Public Participation


Mr Nick Hall spoke in support of the application.

Mrs Sarah Hall (applicant) spoke in support of the application.

Mr Carpendale (agent) spoke in support of the application. 

Parish Councillor Cristina Fearon (Gasper Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application.

Parish Councillor Harry Parker (Stourton Parish Council) spoke in support of the application.


The Planning Officer presented his report to the Committee which recommended that permission be refused.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. The locations of bus stops in relation to the proposed site were requested.


An item of late correspondence was circulated at the meeting.


The Local Member, Cllr George Jeans, spoke in support of the application. Cllr Jeans first became aware of the project in 2010 but came to the meeting with an open mind and made his decision after considering the input of the Committee. Cllr Jeans stated that he supported the application subject to a section 106 agreement with a series of terms. These terms included rent being set at 80% of an open market tenancy rental, the tenanted housing remaining for perpetuity and the tenants being local or needing to work locally. Cllr Jeans continued by stating that the Local Member should have been consulted and kept informed. Cllr Jeans concluded by stating that the application may have failed to comply with some relevant policy; it nonetheless provides much needed discounted rented accommodation in this busy and affluent area.


Members debated the sustainability and unique nature of the application. It was stated that this development was well shielded and that the reduction in rent was an important factor. The need to provide affordable housing in Wiltshire was discussed and concern was raised to whether it was possible to specify the allocation of the housing through the parish council. Legal advice was sought from the officers who were present and it was confirmed that it would be possible to stipulate in the s106 agreement that the parish council would be consulted regarding the allocation of the housing, although without a parish plan in place they would not be able to have the final decision . It was stated that this application was contrary to policy and that  the s106 agreement was a matter of trust.


The potential future use of this development was debated. The availability of work at National Trust properties was also discussed. The possible alternative use of the land was also raised and the need for an ‘accountable letting criteria’ was raised. The need to use complementary materials was also discussed. Members continued by discussing the importance of the rural economy. The geographic isolation of surrounding villages was raised and also the necessity of a car when living in the area.


Sustainability was discussed and the need for a small amount of growth required in rural communities was raised. The need to encourage those who provided affordable housing was also discussed.


The need for a similar model that could be used elsewhere was raised. 




To delegate to the Area Development Manager to approve planning permission subject to the signing of a legal agreement and appropriate conditions; such an agreement is to return to a future Committee for approval.


Supporting documents: