Agenda item

Update from Representatives

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)    Police – written update attached

d)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

e)    COB (Campus) – meeting notes of 8 Sep attached




The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Salisbury City Council (SCC)

The Leader of SCC, Cllr Andrew Roberts gave an update to the Board.


·       SCC would meet to discuss the Parking Consultation and form a view.

·       SCC also owned two car parks in the city, one of which was found to be making a financial loss, so the decision was taken to make that car park free.

·       The Christmas Lights switch on would take place on Thursday 20 November, by Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) from Eastenders.

·       The Christmas Market opens on the 27th November and closes on the 20th December.

·       Charter Markets would also be open on a number of Sundays leading up to Christmas and on the days immediately prior to Christmas Day.

·       The Salisbury Carnival held the previous week had raised just over £1,600 for the Mayors appeal.

·       The Remembrance Sunday event had been well attended; the Adlam Family had given thanks to all who had been involved.



In addition to the written update attached to the agenda, Inspector David Minty gave an update.


·       A new Beat Manager for the city would be appointed the following week, from one of four candidates.

·       New PCSO’s were independently patrolling in the City Centre.

·       Crime figures were all very good, with violence against person crimes showing a 0.4% reduction.

·       Victim based crime as a whole was down 20% on the same period as last year; which was down to Sergeant Goodman and his team.

·       There was now a facebook page:  

·       Inspector Minty was now on Twitter, and could be followed at:  @wiltpoliceDM

·       The Police would be issued with new mobile phones which could track their location. This would enable people to see where they had patrolled.


Questions and comments received included:


·       What was the actual meaning of Victim Based Crime in the statistics? Answer: Inspector Minty agreed to find out the specific definition and report back.


Note: Since the meeting, the following information was provided:

Victim based crime included:


·       Violence Against the Person

·       Robbery

·       Sexual Offences

·       Theft Offences

·       Burglary

·       Vehicle Crime

·       Shoplifting

·       Bicycle theft

·       Theft from a person

·       Other theft

·       Criminal Damage and Arson


·       What had happened about the request for a public parking bay at the back of Bourne Hill, for people needing to pop in to the Police Station? Answer: The request had been forwarded to the Council. In the meantime, if you needed to visit the police station on police business then you can park in one of the marked out police bays in College Street car park.

·       To aid the public perception of lack of visibility, Officers would be located in the Market Place on market day.

·       Thanks were given to Richard Goodman and his team for making themselves accessible even during recent staff shortages.


COB (Campus)

In addition to the attached notes from the meeting on 8 Sep, Councillor Clewer added that the build was now going well, despite the recent issue of a shortage of bricklayers.



The Salisbury Area Board noted the Partner and Community updates attached to the agenda.




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