Agenda item

Building the Local Youth Network and the community-led model for youth activities

Mal Munday - Head of Service, Early Help, Wiltshire Council

Emma Coombs - Community Youth Worker, Wiltshire Council.


To report on progress.



Mal Munday - Head of Service, Early Help, Wiltshire Council & Emma Coombs - Community Youth Officer, Wiltshire Council.


Points made included:


The Vision


        All young people have access to a varied and innovative youth offer.


        The right help when they need it.


        Taking into account the views of young people and other stakeholders.


        Bring young people and the community together.



The role of the Community Youth Officer (CYE)


        Be the “go to person” for young people’s issues.


        Engage with young people - champion their voice decision making.


        Establish and support the Local Youth Network.


        Support local youth and community projects.


        Find out and write up the needs, outcomes, priorities and objectives for positive activities in the local area.



The role of the Local Youth Network


        Be a sub-group of the Community Area Board.


        Represent a wide range of community stakeholders.


        Come together at events, workshops, youth fairs, meetings and consultations.


        Encourage active engagement and improved partnership working between key stakeholders and young people.



The role of the Local Youth Network Management Group


        10 – 12 Members.


        Young people must play a central role.


        Coordinate the design, development, delivery and review of positive activities for young people.


        Evaluate grant requests and identify suitable providers.


        Make recommendations to area board on how funding should be deployed.



Grants Funding and Procurement


        Voluntary and community sector.


        Must be for activities for young people aged 13-19.


        Application form available online.


        Evaluated by the LYN and recommended to the area board for funding.


        Corporate suppliers can apply to be in a catalogue of providers.


        Application form available online.


        Applications are evaluated by commissioning officers.


        The Area Board will seek quotes, evaluate and consider the competition.



Grant Criteria


        Applicants must have policies and procedures that fulfil legal requirements.


        Can be up to a value of £5,000 per project.


        Must help meet the needs, outcomes, priorities and objectives for positive activities in the local area.


        Young people must be involved in the completion of the application to ensure the activity is accessible, affordable, wanted and valued by them.


        Activities that involve or benefit groups of vulnerable young people or that include matched funding will be given additional weighting in the decision making process.


The point was made that Bradford on Avon Town Council were in discussions with Wiltshire Council re an asset transfer of the Youth Centre building. Early indications from these discussions had not been encouraging, with Wiltshire Council reluctant to agree to a full asset transfer, but wishing to remain landlords of the building with Bradford on Avon Town Council paying for the building’s upkeep.


It was agreed that the Community Area Manager would write to Wiltshire Council on behalf of the Bradford on Avon Area Board supporting Bradford on Avon Town Council in its bid to secure the Youth Centre building from Wiltshire Council through a full asset transfer.


The Chairman thanked Mel Munday and Emma Coombs for their presentation.


Supporting documents: