Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


a.Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service


b.Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)


c.Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

·       To include Bus consultation update


d.Parish Councils


e.Pewsey Area Campus Team


f.Good Neighbour Scheme


g.Army Rebasing


The following partner updates were given:


(a)       Wiltshire Police


The verbal update provided by Inspector Matt Armstrong was reported under item 6 – Wiltshire Police Precept Consultation.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            Mike Franklin circulated a written report which is attached to these minutes. Recruitment of firefighters in Pewsey is moving forward; there are new recruits at various stages of training. In November, Wiltshire Fire and Rescue agreed a proposal to merge with Dorset Fire and Rescue and there was currently an open government consultation on this proposal. PCAP had been approached with a proposal to buy equipment to enable fire safety advice to be targeted at canal boat users and dwellers.


(c)       Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group


            No update received.


(d)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Susie Brew, Coordinator of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) drew attention to the update contained at page 29 of the agenda.


The next meeting of the PCAP is to be held on the 30 April and not 26 February as stated in the written update. Attention was drawn to the Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership with a meeting held on the 17th December to kick things off.


The bus consultation finished on 10 December but results were not yet known. A working group would be convened to look at the consultation results when available.


The Network Rail train consultation is due to close on 9 January – PCAP had submitted a response.


(e)       Parish Councils


No updates received.


(f)        Pewsey Area Campus Team


            The Vale Community Campus was launched on 15 September 2014.         Plans have been submitted and will be determined by 5 February 2015. There had been 8 expressions of interest received from contractors but two did not fulfil the criteria. Tender documents were sent to 6 bidders and are due to be returned by the end of April 2015, with an appointment made around May/June 2015. The leisure centre was still open.


All were reminded that the old tennis courts behind Pewsey Vale Academy were now a multi-use games arena and those wishing to use this facility could register their interest at the leisure centre.


The campus team’s priority was communication and they offered to attend parish meetings where wanted and possible. They are also working on back up facilities for the leisure centre for when it is closed for building the new campus.


(g)       Good Neighbour Scheme


            Mary Soellner has left and we are awaiting her replacement.


(g)       Army Rebasing


            The project was moving on with well prepared plans on estate design. A delay in Larkhill was due to work on the A363. More would be known about Upavon in 2015. Traffic concerns about the A345 and A342 had been emailed on and a response would be provided to the enquirer.


(h)       Develop


            Sian Woods gave a presentation on Develop and how the service can support and work with the local area. They provide support to non-profit organisations in Wiltshire. They can supply support to individuals or groups, and also advise on equalities and funding. They run training in areas such as social media, first aid, mentoring, measuring impact, food safety and marketing and offer networking opportunities and events for the sector. They also run Volunteer Centre Wiltshire which offers help and information to support and maintain volunteering opportunities.


            The Chairman thanked Sian for attending.

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