Agenda item

Wiltshire Police Precept Consultation - 2015-16 & Wiltshire Police - update

Angus Macpherson – Wiltshire Police & Crime Commissioner to outline the Precept Consultation - 2015-16.


Inspector Matt Armstrong – to give the Wiltshire Police update.


Clive Barker, Chief Finance Officer from the Officer of the Police and Crime Commissioner, gave a presentation on the policing and crime element of the council tax consultation taking place in January and February of this year. The Commissioner has a legal duty to consult with the public


Overall crime had been reduced by 3% from December 2013 – November 2014. Public confidence measured in the Spring / Summer survey was at 86.6% and victim satisfaction was at 87.7%; this is up to November 2014.

It was emphasised that HM Inspector of Constabulary had rated Wiltshire Police as Good in all categories, and that it is in line with national trends.


It was outlined that increases in costs in combination with a 5.1% cash grant reduction would result in an increasing budget spending gap in future years.


The Commissioner is consulting on a proposed increase to the police precept of 1.9%, or £3.06 per year. This was equivalent to 6p per week based on an average band D property. Even with this increase savings would still need to be made and it was intended that the force would work in partnership with councils and other police forces to deliver better services in single locations and single teams, purchasing and working smarter together.


Without the proposed increase the funding gap over the next 3 years is expected to amount to £13 million, but with the proposed increase it was forecasted at £11 million. This was after the level of savings already achieved had been taken into account.


The Area Board discussed the proposals and were advised that the consultation period is running from the 6th January to the 4th February. All were invited to read more about the proposal and give feedback via the Commissioner’s website -


Questions raised included:


If there would be a shortfall what were the police not going to do?

a.    The OPCC is trying to protect frontline services where possible. It was hoped that savings would be made through reviewing the structure of the force and by working regionally in force partnerships.


Could you come back with another rise in 2016/2017?

a.    The forecast of £11 million was based on continuing to increase the police precept by 1.9% over the next three years. 


Inspector Matt Armstrong followed Clive Barker and gave a verbal police update. He stated their resolution was to be more visible, and explained that performance was good overall. An increase in violence against the person had been seen, with 10 additional offences seen compared to last year. Officers were working hard with individuals and it was hoped that this would turn into a decrease.


Significant arrests had been made in relation to beauty spot thefts which had resulted in imprisonment and numbers had decreased on last year.


There was still an issue with burglaries targeting tools in both dwellings and non-dwellings, and also targeting dogs.


Officers had been working closely with colleagues in Hampshire, with both intelligence and officers shared in a series of events. In November the team completed an exercise with Marlborough PCT, during which 83 vehicles were stopped. 22 fixed penalty notices were issued and one vehicle was seized after being found to have no insurance.


Officers were still working on traffic related matters around Woodborough school and anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of the co-op.


Questions raised were:


Can patrols be stepped up in areas, as night patrols might put off vandalism?

a.    We do patrol – if more resources are needed they can be called in


Non-dwelling burglaries of tools in the Bedwyn area – how do we stop? Is it one or two people? Is it opportunistic?

a.    In the Burbage area there had been 8 offences in 2 months, targeting heavy work tools. Analytical work was needed, and inroads were being made but we need intelligence – please contact us if you have information.


It was noted that the Area Board were very pleased and lucky to have an excellent team.


The Chairman thanked Clive and Matt for attending.