Agenda item

Cabinet Member Cllr Jonathon Seed

To hear from Councillor Jonathon Seed Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding on some of the areas of his work, followed by an opportunity to ask questions.


The Board heard from Councillor Jonathon Seed Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding on some of the areas of his work.


Cllr Seed was helped by five other Cllrs, one on Leisure, one on Area Boards and Libraries and three on Flooding. Without the help form our communities we would not be able to do as much as we do, especially the help of the volunteers with libraries and flooding.


Campus Project

The Campus project was born out of a Leisure Review which showed that it would cost £117 million to maintain facilities. The decision then came to look at new buildings with services being put together.


This was a rolling programme, by 2017, half of Wiltshire’s campuses would be up and running. No leisure centres had been closed and there were no plans to close any.



Cllr Seed looked after 31 Libraries, both mobile and around the county. With new systems in place, including an automatic service, internet access and local volunteers meant that libraries could open for longer than was previously possible.



The Council had put £1 million of its own discretionary budget towards Flooding prevention work. Wiltshire experienced a great deal of flooding last year, more than was seen in Somerset.


Comments and questions were then received, these included:


·         Would the mobile library attending Hindon be cut? Answer: We have had to reduce the budget by £13 million across the Board. The first step would be to look at reducing the number of stops as some villages were receiving 3 stops. We would not withdraw the visit to any parish. We have to justify the use. If the mobile library service currently visited your village, then that will continue, providing it was shown that the library bus was well used. So make sure people use the service if you wish to keep it.

·         Mike Ash, Bishopstone PC – During the flooding last year, 6 houses were flooded in the village. Since then a flood plan had been written with the assistance of Wiltshire Council and the Environment Agency, we were promised two lots of sand bags, but these had not arrived. Answer: The distribution of sand bags was behind the schedule, however the situation was currently being improved and all deliveries should be received within the next few weeks. If your allocation does not arrive, please contact me.

·         Cllr Deane noted that Tisbury had a Campus underway, which was progressing so far so good. However, each year since the Area Board was formed, Councillors had had to lobby for increased allocation for finances for the three community areas. Could we have your assurance that we would be treated as we should if there was a proportionate reduction to budgets for Youth, Grants, CATG etc? Answer: Cllr Wayman had been in correspondence with Cllr Seed on the matter and a letter had been issued earlier that day. Once Full Council had agreed the funding, the Board would have the opportunity to go through the figures, before they were circulated.

·         Cllr Jeans asked whether the formula for calculating the division of funds could be made available when they met to look at the figures? Answer: Yes.


The Board thanked Cllr Seed for attending.