Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)  Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  Health Services

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)    Chamber of Commerce

(g)  Schools

(h)  Rotary


PC Hazel Anderson provided an overview of recent crime in the area including drug-related crime, burglary, and theft. An appeal was made for information on the owner of a young Alsatian dog following an attack on sheep on 6 March 2015. It was emphasized that there had recently been an increase in domestic burglaries and residents should secure their properties even when they were occupied.


Written updates from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Clinical Commissioning Group were available in the agenda pack. It was noted that the single Children’s Community Health Service for Wiltshire did not appear to incorporate mental health services.


A written update from Corsham Town Council was available in the agenda pack. Box Parish Council updated the Area Board that it had reduced its precept for 2015/16. Colerne Parish Council informed the Area Board that it had prepared a snow plan, a tree planting scheme for the skate park had been finalised and local views had been submitted in relation to the aircraft hangar development.


Penny Bell, Community Engagement Officer, advised that following a successful Health Fayre in Corsham in November 2014, this would be rolled out to the parishes. At parish health fayres there would be a slipper exchange, as well as health advice and refreshments.


The Chairman advised that the Corsham Means Business Show on 18 March organised by the Chamber of Commerce had been a great success.


Mac Place and Peter Wragg introduced the Rotary Club and sought feedback on local appetite for this organisation. The representatives explained that Rotary supported and promoted local communities. The club offered a broad range of social activities, and was open to all ages and sexes, it was noted that the club had a vibrant youth division.



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