Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·         Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·         Fire & Rescue


To note the following written updates and information attached to the agenda:


a)    WC Consultations (follow link):


b)    Wiltshire Council Items for Information - Consultation on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


c)    Wilton Town Team minutes


d)    Area Board Project and Priority – Rights of Way



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


The Board received the following verbal updates:



No one was in attendance to provide an update. A paper copy of the Wilton update was circulated at the meeting.



A comment was received from Wilton Town Cllr Phil Matthews, relating to a concerned about the way the Police were being stretched. The cost of taking people to the police custody suite in Melksham was increasing the cost. He also spoke of two incidents of concern:


·         One where a person could not get to Melksham to book in as part of his bail conditions, because he had no money for travel. So he went to Bourne Hill and was then arrested for breaking his bail conditions.

·         The other where it had taken Police 45 minutes to respond to an incident in Salisbury.


Inspector Minty was not in attendance to respond to these comments.


Fire & Rescue – Mike Franklin

Mike introduced his colleague Graham Weller to the Board. The written fire update was circulated at the meeting and attached to these minutes.


Work was progressing to merge the Dorset and Wiltshire Services. There were currently two Safe Wise Centres, in Bournemouth and Weymouth. It was hoped that a third would be built in the North of Wiltshire.


Charles Smith, Dinton Parish Council, reported back that since the last meeting where he mentioned that no action had taken place following him completing a home safety check card, he had now been visited by an Officer who had provided a really good service. An additional smoke alarm had also been fitted in his home free of charge.


The following written updates and information were attached to the agenda:


a)    WC Consultations (follow link):


b)    Wiltshire Council Items for Information - Consultation on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


c)    Wilton Town Team minutes


d)    Area Board Project and Priority – Rights of Way


Cllr Jose Green added that the Rights of Way project was really starting t see progress after CRPE joined the scheme. They had agreed to put funding in to promote their membership and were contributing towards the plaques which were at the design stage.

Supporting documents: