Agenda item

14/12106/FUL - Stonehenge Visitor Centre, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7DE - Change of use from agricultural land and creation (temporary consent 2 years) of a 26 space coach park and associated ancillary works


Public Participation


Janice Hassett spoke in objection to the application.

David Hassett spoke in objection to the application.

Jan McKernan spoke in objection to the application.

Kate Davies spoke in support  to the application.

Dominic Watkins spoke in support  to the application.

Cllr Mike Lucas (Chitterne Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application.

Cllr Carole Slater (Shrewton Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application.


The Planning Officer presented his report to the Committee which recommended that permission be grantedsubject to conditions.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. Clarification over the potential removal of a tree belt was provided. Members asked if the green travel plan had been implemented. The number of cars using parking bays was discussed. The scale of the development was raised, as well as a recent metro count. The planner officer did not have the metro count figures to hand but confirmed that they had been considered by the Highways Officer. The booking procedure for visitors parking at the site was raised. The proposed temporary surface – compacted gravel – could be removed without disturbing the archaeology of the site.


An item of late correspondence was circulated at the meeting.


The Local Member, Cllr Ian West, spoke against the application. Cllr West discussed the views of Winterbourne Parish Council, stating that more visitors to the site would be positive but raised concerns in regards to more vehicles using unsuitable roads to visit the site. Winterbourne Parish Council encouraged a more sustainable method of transport to the site. Cllr West made reference to other representations who had both supported and objected to the application. Cllr West made reference to previous visitor figures and the potential removal of tree lines, as well as highways concerns. The Local Member made reference to previous visitor centre’s success in dealing with the number of visitors it received. Cllr West raised peak traffic in Shrewton High Street and the severe impact that this had on local people. The diversion of A303 traffic onto local roads was raised. The potential visual impact on the world heritage site was debated, as well as the materials that would be used.


Members discussed the need to find an appropriate solution to the issues caused by visiting coaches. Members raised concerns in regards to congestion on the surrounding roads. Coaches being parked in lay-bys and related safety concerns were highlighted. The management of the site and the impact on local people was discussed. The scale of the proposed car park was debated and the need for an appropriate travel plan was raised. The need for appropriate landscaping was discussed and the ecological impact of the material used was highlighted. 


The logistical difficulties of transporting an estimated 1M people to and from the site were raised. The aesthetic issues with the proposal were discussed. Queuing on the A360 and A303 to get into the site was raised, as well as the lack of parking spaces at the site. The core strategy and the need to support the local economy was raised and the need to improve auxiliary facilities was stated. The need to weigh up the benefits and impacts of this development was raised. The contribution to the local economy of those using the coaches was debated. The temporary nature of the application was highlighted. The land between the current and proposed car park was raised and it was explained that this was proposed for a staff car park which was removed from the scheme. The need to support the World Heritage Site was highlighted by Members.




To APPROVE planning permission with the following conditions:


(1) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Updated Planning Statement dated February 2015 received 19/02/15

Parking Strategy Statement dated 19/02/15 received 19/02/15

Drainage Strategy dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

Response to Wiltshire Highways comments dated 19/02/15 received 19/02/15

Response to Environment Agency comments dated 24/03/15 received 24/03/15

Heritage Impact Assessment dated December 2014 received 23/12/14

Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum dated February 2015 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-502 Rev T02 dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-503 Rev T02 dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-504 Rev P02 dated 05/01/15 received 05/01/15

61034252-DR-C-506 Rev T02 dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-SK-C-500 Rev P01 dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-000 Rev T01 dated 11/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-001 Rev T02 dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-100 Rev T02 dated 18/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-DR-C-501 Rev T02 dated 17/02/15 received 19/02/15

61034252-SK-C-501 Rev P01 dated 16/03/15 received 25/03/15

61034252-SK-C-502 Rev P01 dated 16/03/15 received 25/03/15

8982-1-TM1 Rev 0 dated 06/01/15 received 19/02/15

8982-2-TM2 Rev 2 dated 10/02/15 received 19/02/15

8982-3-VS2 Rev 1 dated 04/02/15 received 19/02/15

8982-4-TM1 Rev 2 dated 10/02/15 received 19/02/15

8982-6-VS1 Rev 0 dated 08/01/15 received 19/02/15

8982-7-TM1 Rev 0 dated 13/02/15 received 19/02/15

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


(2) No development shall commence within the area indicated (proposed development site) until:

·         A written programme of archaeological investigation, which should include on-site work and off-site work such as the analysis, publishing and archiving of the results, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority; and

·         The approved programme of archaeological work has been carried out in accordance with the approved details.


REASON:  To enable the recording of any matters of archaeological interest.

Further Recommendations: The work should be conducted by a professionally recognised archaeological contractor in accordance with a written scheme of investigation approved by this office and there will be a financial implication for the applicant.


(3) Before construction works commence, a method statement prepared by a professional ecologist will be submitted for planning authority approval demonstrating the measures that will be put in place to ensure that breeding birds are not disturbed or harmed during the construction period. The works will be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the approved method statement.

REASON: To avoid harm to ground nesting birds during the breeding season


(4) Prior to the commencement of the development details for temporary parking of coaches displaced from the development area during the course of the works shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.

REASON: To ensure an adequate supply of coach parking at the Stonehenge Visitor Centre site during the works.


(5) The coach park expansion hereby permitted shall be removed in its entirety and the land restored to its former condition on or before 09/04/2017 in accordance with a scheme of work submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In order for a permanent and sustainable solution to be found to coach parking for the Stonehenge Visitor Centre.




Supporting documents: