Agenda item

14/11884/FUL - Gorley, Marina Road, Salisbury, SP1 2JN - Sever land and erect 1 No 2 bed dwelling with parking for existing property


Public Participation

Robert Upton spoke in objection to the application.

Samantha Merley spoke in objection to the application.

Dan Wilden spoke in support  to the application.


The Planning Officer presented his report to the Committee which recommended that permission be approved.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. Clarification was sought over the Highways Officer’s objection. Concern had been raised in regards to parking provision and it would be left to the judgement of Members.


An item of late correspondence was circulated at the meeting.


The Local Member, Cllr Ian Tomes, spoke in objection to the application. Cllr Tomes discussed highways concerns due to insufficient parking and the overdevelopment of the site. It was stated that this was a modest design but on a very small plot and it would take up a vast majority of the site. It was felt that this was an overpowering development and would not be in keeping with the surrounding area. Concern was also raised in regards to the access and its ownership.


Members discussed the potential for overdevelopment of the site. Highways issues were highlighted in relation to the inability to park on Southampton Road. Some Members did not feel Highways Officers had fully considered safety issues on the site.


Discussion continued to the dimensions of the plot of land, the scale of the development and the lack of adequate parking provision. The potential for encroachment on neighbouring properties was also discussed. Concern was raised in regards to the height of the development, as well as the positioning of windows.




To refuse permission for the following reasons:


1.    The site is located to the rear of existing dwellings, and adjacent to existing private garden areas. The proposed development would result in an unsuitable and cramped form of overdevelopment of the site that would, by reason of the close proximity of the proposed new dwelling to existing dwellings on Marina Road, result in undue impacts on the amenity of the occupiers of existing properties through overlooking. In these respects the proposed development is considered discordant with adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy Core Policy 57 which  gives regard to the compatibility of adjoining buildings and uses, the impact on the amenities of existing occupants, and ensuring that appropriate levels of amenity are achievable within the development itself, including the consideration of privacy, overshadowing; vibration; and pollution.


2.    The site is accessed directly off the adjacent busy A36 Trunk Road system, where on road vehicular parking or stopping is not permitted. The proposed development does not make adequate provision for service vehicles attending the site and would therefore encourage such vehicles to park, or project out of the site, on the adjacent footpath and cycleway system, with consequent additional hazard to all users of the trunk road. The means of access to the site, by reason of its lack of adequate vehicle turning facilities, would be likely to result in vehicles from the development standing and reversing within the trunk road to the detriment of highway safety. The proposal would therefore be contrary to the aims of Wiltshire Core Strategy Policy CP61 which requires new development is capable of being served by safe access to the highway network.


Supporting documents: