Agenda item

Update from Representatives

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)    Police – written update

d)    Fire – written update

e)    Community Campus

f)     Issues System – up to date information available online at:




The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Salisbury City Council (SCC)

Andrew Roberts provided the following update:

·       Cllr Mike Osment was now deputy leader of the Council.

·       The Magna Carta pageant organised by SCC, WC and the cathedral, had been very successful.

·       The Royal Artillery Exercise had been well attended.

·       Members had supported the asset transfer proposals, once approved these would be transferred from Wiltshire Council to SCC.

·       Discussions had been had with the Art Centre regarding possible future financial support. Proposals would be considered when provided.

·       SCC had committed to spend £50,000 on projects.

·       The Summer Spectacular would be held on Saturday 22 August in Hudsons Field from 2.00pm


Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

Vice Chairman, Vic Bussereau gave an update which included:

  • Work on the Country Park at Hampton Park had been delayed due to 57,000 cubic metres of spoil being dumped on site (with a further 10,000 cubic metres expected). A plan to contour the spoil had now been devised by Barratt.
  • A meeting of the parish council would take place the following day to consider the plan.
  • A new Planning Application would be submitted in July to early August.
  • The monthly parish council meeting was held earlier in week and considered the application for housing at Old Sarum Air Field. They voted in objection to the proposals due to massive over development.
  • Over 60 people attended the parish council meeting and a further public meeting to discuss the proposed development was planned for 23 July at 7.00pm in the Old Sarum Community Centre.


Police – Inspector David Minty

In addition to the written update attached to the agenda, Inspector Minty gave a verbal update.


·       The 20mph speed limit was now enforceable with a ticket.

·       Performance remained quite strong across the area, there had only been 7 offences over a 12 month period.

·       The decision on the location of the new custody suite had been made. This would be sited in Warminster. Further information was available on the PCC website.


Questions and comments:


·       Could Community Speedwatch be set up in 20mph areas? Answer: Inspector Minty was not sure, he agreed to find out and report back.

·       Would the Police still be moving into the Campus when it opened? Answer: Options were currently under review, the NHPT would still be using it but the entire Salisbury force would not be moving from Bourne Hill.

·       There were concerns for certain groups of people, such as children, elderly and vulnerable people who would be taken from Salisbury to Warminster custody suite. Answer: A Custody Officers role was to ascertain the necessity to hold those arrested. Under section 136 of the Mental Health Act, people with a mental health issue would not be held in a custody suite, they would be taken to a hospital.



The written update for July was circulated at the meeting.


Community Campus

A written update was circulated at the meeting and is attached to these minutes. A more detailed update would be provided at a future Board meeting by the Associate Director for Campuses.


Issues System

The Board noted the up to date information available online at:


Supporting documents: