Agenda item

Salisbury Community Campus

To receive a presentation from Laurie Bell, Associate Director for Communities and Communications.



Steve Milton, Head of Community Engagement and Governance gave an update to the Board on the progress of the Five Rivers Community Campus.


The aim of the Campus was to bring a number of public services currently located around Salisbury, into one building. The site at Five Rivers had been undergoing a major development over the last 18 months.


A series of slides were presented which detailed the current stakeholder location summary, including Fire and Rescue, Learning Disabilities, Leisure and Salisbury Area Jazz Ensemble.


Steve gave an update on the phases of work programme as detailed below:


Phase 1

·         Sports Hall roof & internal change – complete Oct 14


Phase 2

·         AWP Change - completed Feb 15

·         Dance Studio - completed March 15

·         Fitness Suite  - Open 19th Nov 15

·         2 Storey Extension  - Hand Over 26/10


All Weather Pitch - Out of build programme.


Phase 3

·         Circulation Space & Reception – Open 4 November

·         Café Seating Area / Atrium Space – Complete 18th December


There would also be a portable climbing wall available at the Campus.


Green Travel Options

A slide showing the nearby bus routes which could be used when visiting the  site was presented. Bus number 4 stopped 470m walk from the campus to a northbound stop and 500m walk from the campus to a southbound stop. Bus number 1 stopped 800m walk from the campus and the Park & Ride Services stop at all Salisbury Reds bus stops on the route.


Questions and comments were then taken, these included:

·         There was disappointment that access to the Campus was reliant on the existing bus routes which were 800m away. When many of the users may have mobility issues. Answer: Part of the proposals included a dedicated minibus with lift service on site which could be used by those using the site. In an ideal world the Campus would have liked to have a shuttle bus, but realistically the cost of implementing that was too high.

·         Had the plans for the all weather pitch been delayed due to methane underground? Answer: Following original discussions, Football Foundation funding was in place, so work was expected to go ahead. They were looking at ways to ensure that there was no danger in covering over the area with plastic matting.

·         How would the governance work? Answer: It was anticipated that the operational running would be taken on by the existing team already in the Leisure Centre. The CEM would be right at the heart of the campus to bring services and community groups together.

·         The Campus was originally focused on meeting the needs of the community by having rooms available that we could book. But you have not mentioned us. It looks quite clear that the services you have going in there would rule the roost. Answer: The services based at the campus would provide an improved offer to the community including leisure, adult disability day services, a suite of community rooms for hire, and other services yet to be agreed. Working together in partnership, all stakeholders would have the opportunity to influence what happened in the campus once it was open. This would be co-ordinated and facilitated by the Community Engagement Manager.