Agenda item

Planned Revisions to the Smoking Policy

A report by the Associate Director, People & Business is attached.


The Committee received a report by the Associate Director, People & Business, which updated Members on the planned revisions                                            to the current smoking policy.


The Committee was informed that the current smoking policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and procedure had been implemented in 2011  as a result of harmonising the County Council and ex-district council policies following the move to one council.


It was noted that the current policy provided smoking areas together with cigarette bins at each of the main hubs and depots. It also allowed managers to use their discretion when permitting smoking breaks outside of lunch times provided the time was made up.


The Public Health team had expressed concerns for some time about allowing staff to smoke on site considering the Council’s policy to promote healthy living both across Wiltshire and within the workforce. Subsequently,   Public Health had produced a report outlining a policy to implement smoke free sites across Wiltshire Council and this was agreed by the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) on 24 August 2015.  This would mean that all designated smoking areas at the Council’s hubs, other sites, depots and campuses would be removed. A new smoke-free policy was being developed which would also include the removal of smoking breaks.


Whilst sympathising with the general principles as set out in the report, Members did consider that there could well be practical problems encountered in implementing the suggested planned revisions to the existing smoking policy as follows:-


·         If Council grounds were smoke-free, smokers would most likely adopt the habit of smoking off-site in public places as had previously happened prior to the implementation of the current policy.  This had created a negative image of the Council and had resulted in complaints from local residents.


·         Enforcement of the new smoke-free arrangements might prove difficult, especially as customers would also be expected to take note of the signage and refrain from smoking on site.


·         Removal of the litter bins would likely lead to an increase in litter.  There were no plans for the Council’s facilities management team to remove cigarette litter and it was expected that the Council’s enforcement team  would issue fixed penalty notices where possible should littering occur.


·         The removal of designated smoking areas and smoking breaks was likely to have a negative impact on morale and motivation of those members of staff affected.


·         The Council’s partners, such as Police colleagues, would be expected to comply with a new policy and refrain from smoking on site. 




(1)          To note the contents of the report.


(2)          To support in principle the development of a new smoking policy that incorporates the changes as outlined in the report but to register some concerns about the practicality of implementing and enforcing the policy especially on shared sites with partners.


(3)          To support a deferred start by giving three months notice of the intention to introduce a new policy.


(4)          To note that a further report would be made to the January 2016 meeting of the Committee when the new smoking policy would be presented for formal approval. 


Supporting documents: