Agenda item

Youth and Community Area Grants

The Board will consider 1 application for funding from the Youth budget and 4 applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme as detailed below:


Youth Grants

Grant Amount

Applicant: Salisbury Transition City C.I.C.
Project Title: Sustainable Salisbury


View full application



Total youth grant amount requested at this meeting


Total youth funding still remaining 2016/17





Amount requested

Applicant: Salisbury & South Wilts District Scout Council
Project Title: Salisbury South Wilts Scouts Minibus Replacement Project
View full application 


Applicant: Winterslow Drama Group/ Winterslow Village Hall
Project Title: Winterslow village Hall stage refurbishment
View full application


Applicant: Whiteparish Memorial Trust
Project Title: Whiteparish Memorial Centre Projector
View full application


Applicant: West Grimstead Village Hall
Project Title: West Grimstead Village Hall New Oil Fired Heating System
View full application 




Budget remaining for 2016/17

Community grants: £11,963.30

Youth grants: £34,435



Officer: Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager


Members considered an application for youth grant funding from Salisbury Transition City to support a Youth Transition Group event. A representative from the organisation spoke in support of the application, advising it was applying to two other nearby Area Boards for funding and the event would be relevant to residents within a 15mile radius of Salisbury. Councillors were concerned that the event would not reach the parishes within southern Wiltshire, and did not consider the activities to be appropriate for young people ages 13-19. Members did not agree that enough people would be attracted to the event and it should have been advertised more in advance.




·       That that Area Board does not grant funding to Salisbury Transition City.


Reason: The Board considered that the event had not been sufficiently publicised and would have limited involvement with Southern Wiltshire community area.


Applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme were then considered.


A representative from Salisbury and South Wilts District Scout Council spoke to their application for funding towards a new minibus. Following questions it was confirmed that the Scouts required their own bus as they were often unable to borrow mini buses from local schools, and that the new Scouts minibus would be available for other community groups to use. It was understood that the minibus would seat 3 passengers. Councillors advised that the Board had limited funding left available and therefore could not grant the full amount applied for, however would contribute £3,000 due to it being the final sum needed to allow the new van to be purchased.


An application from Winterslow Village Hall for funding towards stage refurbishment was discussed, councillors agreed that the current stage was very well used however was impractical to assemble and unsafe and therefore could benefit from refurbishment. It was confirmed that the Area Board was asked to consider an application for £4,235.50.


A representative from Whiteparish Memorial Trust spoke to their application for funding towards a new projector, which could attract extra hiring of the hall. The Area Board noted that the Trust had significant levels of reserves and considered that, although the Trust has other projects to fund, the reserves were sufficient to purchase the projector.


A representative from West Grimstead Village Hall spoke to their application for funding towards a new oil-fired heating system, it was considered that this would increase the use of the hall during the winter. Following questions from councillors it was confirmed that the Village Hall had not approached the parish council for a contribution and it was agreed that the application be deferred until this discussion had taken place.




·       To grant Salisbury and South Wilts District Scout Council £3,000 for a minibus replacement project.


·       To grant Winterslow Village Hall/ Winterslow Drama Group, £4,235.50 for stage refurbishment. 


·       That the Area Board does not grant funding to Whiteparish Memorial Trust.


Reason: The Area Board considered the projector could easily be funded by the Trust’s reserves without impinging on other developments planned for the Hall.


·       To defer the application from West Grimstead Village Hall to a future meeting, following discussions with the parish council.


Reason: The Area board considered the applicant should also approach the parish council for a contribution to the project.

Supporting documents: