Agenda item

PCC Precept Consultation

The proposals for the 2016/17 precept; from a member of the Office of the Police and crime Commissioner.


Speaker: Clive Barker, Finance Director


Clive Baker from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC); presented the proposals for the 2016/17 precept.


The proposal was an increase of just under 2%, which equated to £3.12 per

household for the year.


This increase would enable the PCC to protect Community Policing, which was greatly valued. Local Policing was key, and would continue as before.


Crime and Public Confidence

  • Crime increased by 12% from December 2014 to November 2015, 7th lowest crime rate nationally with 50.7 crimes per 1,000 population.


  • Public confidence measured by the OPCC Survey in 2015 is 83.7%, and had been consistently high since 2012.


  • Victim satisfaction to October 2015 is 84.3% which is around the national average.


A good HMIC Assessment of Wiltshire Police

  • Performance was regularly assessed by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary.


  • Overall Wiltshire Police was rated as “good”.


  • Our constabulary remained one of the best in the country.


The Chairman explained that he and Cllr Johnson were both members of the Police and Crime Panel, which would be meeting the following week to consider the PCC's proposals.


Questions and comments were then taken, these included:

  • What did you mean by reserves? Answer: Some funds were ring-fenced for certain purposes, whilst other reserves were for other things. There would be £9 million at the end of 2016, under the new plan that would drop by £5 million the following year.
  • There were talks of forces amalgamating, as we currently had one of the lowest crime rates across the country, how would an amalgamation affect that? Answer: This Police force was not considering a merger. There were discussions around the possibility of an alliance with Avon & Somerset, but we were not at a decision stage yet.
  • Can you confirm that there would not be any resurrection of any major projects in the New Year, such as the helicopter? Answer: Capital spending had changed drastically, we used to see investment in property, where as now we work more towards moving people and utilising space as best we can. Investment now goes to technology. Big visible things won't happen.
  • Were you given any guidance from external auditors regarding your reserves? Answer: Auditors want to come in and give their own views, they do not give us a figure. Nationally there was a figure of around 3%. As the Section 151 Officer, it was my duty to look at reserves when the PCC considers reducing them.
  • In past years the Commissioner had made a strong point of protecting local policing. There had been no way of knowing if the 1.9% went into local policing. Answer: The PCC was proposing to give the Chief Constable enough money to maintain Community Policing. He would set the direction for this on 1 April 2016. Financial information was available in the Medium Term Financial Strategy on the PCC website.


The Chairman asked for a show of hands in the room of those in support of the increase. The majority supported the proposals.