Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive updates from our key partners. Some reports have been received and are included in the pack.


·         Wiltshire Police

·         Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

·         BA13+ Community Area Partnership

·         Healthwatch Wiltshire

·         Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

·         Town and Parish Councils


The Area Board received the following updates from key partners:-


·                Wiltshire Police  Inspector James Brain, Community Policing Team Inspector, Trowbridge & Warminster, introduced and explained the Police report based on what was happening in the Westbury Community Area, full details appeared in the agenda pack..


He explained that the Community Policing Team pilot had now completed its 10 week mark and the general feedback was positive.  The Chief Constable has stated that this ‘one team’ approach, which was being further developed, was the most effective way to deliver local Policing and he had instigated a scoping exercise with a view of rolling out this Policing model across the entire Force Area later in 2016.


Inspector Brain reported that Sergeant Pete Sparrow, his Community Policing Team Deputy, had moved to another area of the Force as Acting Inspector and had been replaced by Sergeant Louis McCoy, who had previously worked in the Chippenham area and had 13 years of Policing experience in a variety of roles across Wiltshire Police. 


The Chairman introduced and welcomed Carolyn Deverall, Out of Court Disposal Manager, who was attending to explain Restorative Justice.   She explained that the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner had funded the post of Restorative Justice Co-ordinator and the Wiltshire model was still being developed.  However, to date there had been some positive outcomes with some conversations having taken place with both victims and offenders.  It was stressed that any conversations with either party were carried out on a purely voluntary basis.


·                Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service   The update report was received and noted.


The Chairman introduced and welcomed Chief Fire Officer Darren Gunter, currently CFO for Dorset Fire & Rescue Service but Chief Fire Officer for the new combined Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service from 1 April 2016. Mr Gunter was attending the area board meeting in order to explain the new service. 


Mr Gunter illustrated his talk by showing a short film entitled Changing & Saving Lives…Together.  He explained that the public would not notice any change in the service provided except for the name.  Both services already did more than just put out fires and undertook a range of prevention activities.   The Service intended to:-


·           work in some key areas, such as identifying those people who might be cold in their homes during winter and support and signpost them to other agencies to take action.    


·           work with public health partners to reduce avoidable illnesses.


·           work with families and individual young people to support them in making safer and healthier choices.


This was reflected in the following four priorities;


1)     Help individuals to make safer and healthier choices.


2)     Protect individuals and the environment from harm.


3)     Be there when needed.


4)     Make every penny count.


It was noted that a new safety centre was to be provided in Swindon and it was suggested that this might be better strategically provided to cover the whole area to be covered by the combined authority in or near Salisbury.  Mr Gunter informed the meeting that there already existed a safety centre in Bournemouth and he hoped that it might be possible to provide an additional centre in Salisbury to cover the Trowbridge & Salisbury area.


Mr Gunter also explained that the government had moved responsibility for the Fire & Rescue Service to the Home Office from the Department for Communities & Local Government. The move would deliver the government’s manifesto commitment to deliver greater joint working between the police and fire service. It would pave the way for improvement in local fire and policing by providing clear leadership, supporting greater collaboration and delivering value for money for taxpayers. It would also allow the government to share good practice more effectively on areas such as procurement and prevention. The government recently consulted on proposals to enable Police and Crime Commissioners to take on greater responsibility for fire services at local level. 


The Chairman thanked Mr Gunter for his interesting and informative presentation.



·                BA13+ Community Area Partnership  An update report which was received and noted.


·                Healthwatch Wiltshire  An update report was received and noted.


·                Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group  An update report was received and noted. 


·                Town and Parish Councils


(a)  Westbury Town Council   Cllr David Bradshaw, Mayor, reported on recent work and activities carried out by Westbury Town Council, which included:


-       Setting the town precept for 2016-17 at £394,427 (Band D charge £87.75), this being the total money the town council receives to spend on its services. This represented an increase of 26p per week on the tax for a band D property.


-       The Council’s Delegation of Services Working Group were currently in discussions with Wiltshire Council with regard to taking over responsibility for certain services, such as allotments in Queen’s Road and flower beds in the town centre. The Town Council had agreed to accept the transfer of the public toilets in High Street and Warminster Road by a seven year lease with effect from 1 April 2016.


-       The Town Council was currently advertising for two town caretakers to supplement the services provided by Wiltshire Council. Their remit would be to litter pick in the town centre, keep footpaths clear of litter, dog mess and cutting back brambles, cleaning road signs and bus shelters and some weeding and small maintenance tasks.


-       Arrangements were being made for the beacon on the White Horse to be lit on the Queen’s Birthday, 21 April 2016, by the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire.


-        It was reported that the road from Hawkeridge Road to the end of The Ham to the entrance of the West Wilts Trading Estate would be closed from 29 February to 29 April 2016 for roadworks, the alternative route being through the Trading Estate.


(b)  Dilton Marsh Parish Council  Cllr Alison Irving reported that to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday there would be a community picnic on the playing field. The Parish Council would be contributing with other parishes in the area to taking over responsibility for the Speed Indicator Device (SID).


(c)  Bratton Parish Council  Cllr John Bartram  reported that plans were being developed to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday on 21 April.  Bratton Parish Council would also be contributing to the transfer of responsibility for the SID and was participating in the development of the Community Emergency Plan.


(d)  Edington Parish Council    Cllr Mike Swabey stated that Edington Parish Council was also involved in the development of the Community Emergency Plan and was participating in the process of compiling a Neighbourhood Plan.


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Ltd  Jessica Thimbleby,  from the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Ltd reported that Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Education Officers had continued running their waste workshops at primary schools in Westbury.  In November the team spent the day at Matravers School running an Eco Dragons Den which asked students to think about local environmental challenges and develop an idea, campaign or prototype to help resolve the issue - winning ideas included a machine to help with dog fouling and a campaign to clean-up local rivers. 


The Trust had run sessions for local Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs and Guides helping them achieve badges by completing activities such as making bird feeders and other items out of waste.  Staff from the Waste & Recycling Team at Wiltshire Council joined Wildlife Trust’s Waste Team and knocked on 559 doors in Westbury to answer resident’s questions about recycling and to make sure they knew what could be recycled in their black box and blue-lidded bin.  A clothes swap was run at Suave and also a Christmas Jumper making workshop. 


As the project was due to an end in Westbury, the Trust would be launching a cotton bag competition, sponsored by Hills, which would give each primary school pupil in the town a bag on which to design an environmental message.  The Trust would also be running a Spring Seed event at half-term on 18 February 2-4pm in the library, making seed bombs among other planting fun.  The Trust was working with local groups to complete the wall-hanging and writing a toolkit for community groups to use to encourage recycling and reducing waste in their area. 



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