Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Fire and Rescue Service

·         Jack Nicholson, Station Manager

·         Darran Gunter, Chief Fire Officer

c)    Health Services

d)    Calne ‘Our Place’ Project

e)    Town and Parish Councils.


The Chairman drew attention to the updates listed in the agenda pack.


Neighbourhood Policing Team:


Stuart Welch, Wiltshire Police, was in attendance to answer any questions in relation to the written update provided in the pack. In response to questions, Mr Welch confirmed that there had not been a reduction in the number of police officers in Calne and that the police force’s role was to be proactive, as opposed to reactive. In addition, he noted that the priorities of the police force had changed as the days had becomes lighter for longer, due to British Summer Time.


The meeting was informed that the police CCTV van had been repaired and was able to be used. Mr Welch confirmed that he would inform the Area Board, should the CCTV undergo further repairs and thus be out of action. Mr Welsh responded that, despite the fact that the written update noted that there had been an increase in crime in Calne, this could be explained by the enhancement in crime recording systems.


Fire and Rescue Services:


Jack Nicholson, Station Manager, was in attendance to introduce himself as the new point of contact for the Fire and Rescue Services in Calne. Tom Burns was also in attendance and introduced himself as the watch manager for Calne.


Darran Gunter, Chief Fire Officer, was in attendance to provide a short presentation on the combination between Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Services. Mr Gunter outlined that on 1 April 2016 Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Services had combined and he explained that this was to ensure that, as fiscal savings were needed to be achieved, corporate functions had to be rationalised and frontline services needed to be protected.


Mr Gunter highlighted that he had visited several fire stations since 1 April combination and could confirm that they were operating to an excellent standard, as they had done prior to 1 April 2016.


The Chairman thanked Mr Gunter for his presentation and insight into the wide range of activities of the Fire Service.


In response to questions, Mr Gunter confirmed that Fire Stations had to be positioned to ensure that they would cover the area of greatest risk, in as short a time as possible.


Calne ‘Our Place’ Project:


Naomi Beal, Chairman of the Steering Group for the Calne ‘Our Place’ Project, outlined that the project was seeking to increase the level of visitors to Calne, and to increase employment and reduce deprivation in Calne. She detailed that several areas had been highlighted as unique to Calne, such as, Calne Cure. The meeting was informed that various task groups were exploring how to increase visitors to Calne and thus, effectively advertise the area, whilst improving the employment opportunities in Calne.


Town and Parish Councils:


Cllr Evans, Cherhill Parish Council, informed those present that the next Emergency Planning meeting would be held the following week.


Cllr Baggs, Calne Town Council, provided an update that Calne Council were creating a master plan for upcoming events for Calne.


The Chairman then invited Jim Sutton, a former member of the Armed Forces, to introduce his charity event on 8 June, which would be held in Calne Town Hall. Mr Sutton detailed that his event had been designed to reach out to veterans who had experienced health and wellbeing issues; however, the event was open to everyone. Mr Sutton relayed that the event would aim to ensure that such veterans could be made aware of which department and individuals to approach within Wiltshire Council and therefore, ensure that such individuals could be provided with the level of support that they required. The Calne Councillors, including Cllr Seed, noted their appreciation for the event and encouraged those present to attend.

Supporting documents: