Agenda item

Review of Leisure

Report by the Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services


Public Participation:


Mr Mike Barrett, Bursar of Carne Leisure Centre presented a statement and question as circulated to which Cllr Wheeler as Cabinet member for Leisure, Sport and Culture replied.


Mr Mike Parker of Westbury explained that he had written to Cabinet members on concerns he outlined to the meeting and that he would respond to the consultation exercise.


Mr Gary Walker of Cricklade Leisure Centre spoke in support of the proposals.


Declarations of interest


Cllrs Tony Trotman, John Noeken, Bridget Wayman and Tony Deane declared their interest in this item as detailed at minute no. 114 above. 



Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture gave a comprehensive presentation on proposals to review leisure provision within the Council’s area. Cabinet’s views were sought on the proposals which were indicative at this stage with a view to commencing a full consultation exercise. The results of the consultation would then be reported back to Cabinet to take into account in its determination of the review.


It was noted that the Council financially contributed towards 23 leisure facilities which offered varying levels of service due to various factors such as age, condition, design and range of facilities. In November, 2009, the Council resolved to carry out a review of the facilities and develop a Leisure Facilities Strategy to include a replacement, refurbishment and devolvement programme.


The report presented reviewed the strategic need for leisure facilities in Wiltshire. It provided indicative proposals which would enable the Council to deliver a sustainable, cost effective, high quality leisure facility service for the foreseeable future. The report also included proposals for the potential devolvement of suitable facilities to local communities as part of the Council’s aspirations around devolvement of services and transfer of assets. Cllr Wheeler explained that the purpose of the review was to achieve a sustainable, high quality desirable service which would be attractive to users and would remove barriers of accessibility and meet the Council’s target of being the healthiest County by 2014.


The proposals were an intrinsic part of the Workplace Transformation programme and fundamental to the delivery of campuses in key strategic locations. The programme would include the provision of at least three leisure centres based at Trowbridge, Melksham and Warminster.


The likely financial implications of the indicative proposals were outlined and it was noted that the financial information would be firmed up on completion of the review following the consultation exercise. Any effects on the Council’s approved Capital Programme would require approval of Council.


From the Communications Strategy presented, it was noted that the consultation period would run between August – October 2010 and would include Area Boards, displays at schools, libraries and leisure centres, briefing updates for Councillors and use of the Parish Newsletter and Wiltshire Magazine. Information presented to Area Boards would be tailored to the proposals affecting the area concerned and be linked to information from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. Cllr Wheeler agreed that Wiltshire Councillors would be briefed on proposals affecting their respective divisions and this would extend to town and parish councils in a similar way.


A number of Councillors spoke on this item making general comments and or referring to the proposals in so far as they affected their respective division areas.


Cllr Jeff Osborn, Chairman of the Organisation and Resources Select Committee gave a scrutiny perspective.  He commented that the Environment Select Committee would be examining the financial information including borrowing element as they emerged. He also noted that this project was very much linked to the Workplace Transformation Project on which there was scrutiny involvement. He emphasised that the communications element needed to be treated carefully with an overarching message that this was very much about spending to invest.


Cllr Wheeler paid tribute to Robin Townsend and Lucy Murray-Brown for their exceptional efforts in this project.




1.      That Cabinet:


a)           approve an indicative replacement, refurbishment and devolvement programme (as set out in Appendix A of the report presented);


b)           approve the facility provision standards (as set out in Appendix B) and specification of multi-purpose indoor leisure facilities. This would be the subject of a three month consultation period between August 2010 and October 2010;


c)           approve the principle that tier 3 facilities are devolved (including freehold where appropriate) to local communities and authorises Officers to develop an approach to enable this to happen within the next 5 years;


d)           recognise and agree the principle of budgetary provision required for the replacement, refurbishment and devolvement programme for 25 years (as set out in Appendix C) from the financial year 2011/12 onwards which would need to be reflected in the Medium Term Financial Plan for future revenue budgets and also considered and approved by Full Council to amend the capital programme;


e)           approve the approach to communications (as set out in Appendix D) and authorises the Director for Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture to make the necessary arrangements for the consultation process and


f)             note that the capital investment figures quoted in the report and the consultation material were indicative.


2.                  That a briefing be given to each division member on the proposed changes to leisure provision in his/her area.


3.            That the link to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is included and explained in the consultation literature


Reason for Decision


To set out the Council’s commitment to providing high quality and efficient leisure services. Please refer to the report for the full reasons:


Supporting documents: