Agenda item

15/09519/LBC: Land Adjoining the Old Manor Hospital, Wilton Road, Salisbury, SP2 7EP


Information on this application was included in the previous presentation for 15/09465/FUL.


Cllr Clewer moved the Officer’s recommendation for approval, seconded by Cllr Westmoreland.



The application be APPROVED subject to conditions:



01 The works for which Listed Building Consent is hereby granted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this consent.


REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


02 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:

Existing Location Plan  883-100

Existing Topographical Survey 883-101

Existing Site Sections (Sheet 1) 883-102

Existing Site Sections (Sheet 2) 883-103

Proposed Demolition Plan 883-300A

Proposed Location Plan 883-301A

Detailed Demolition Plan 883-303

Detailed Demolition Plan 883-304

Detailed Demolition Plan 883-305

Detailed Demolition Plan 883-306

Detailed Demolition Plan 883-307

Boundary Wall Demolition Plan 883-308

Proposed entrance gateway adjacent Finch House 883-801

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt

Retention and protection of Finch House during construction

03 Before any demolition works commence, a detailed scheme of how the remaining part of Finch House is to be retained and protected and made structural stable/secure during and following demolition and construction works, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Demolition and construction works, and the agreed remedial works to the remainder of Finch House shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme.

REASON: To ensure that the historic asset is protected during and after demolition and construction works

Works to boundary wall and access points

04 Before any works associated with the matters listed below are commenced, large scale details and details of the materials and works associated with the matters shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details:

a)the removal of part of the boundary walling to create the new vehicular access adjacent Porters Lodge, and

b)the works associated with the proposed pedestrian access in the boundary walling adjacent Finch House, and

c) the stopping up of the existing vehicular access adjacent the Porters Lodge

Reason: In interest of the character of the conservation area and the integrity of the heritage asset.

05 No works authorised by this consent shall commence until planning permission for the redevelopment scheme subject of planning application 15/09465/ful has been formally approved and formally commenced.

REASON: The works subject of this listed building consent are also integral to the redevelopment scheme subject of a separate planning application, and as part of this separate process, the large scale of the demolition works would have wider highway, environmental health, environmental, and heritage impacts, and may therefore require mitigation before development commences.




Separate Highways and planning consent matters


Notwithstanding and in addition to this LBC consent, the proposed redevelopment  of the wider site will require planning permission and the separate Highway England approval for the construction of the proposed vehicular access and lining and signing on Highways England highway land and the reinstatement of footway which will be subject to entering in to the relevant legal agreement with Highways England.


The Applicant is required to obtain these approvals before works commence and is therefore recommended to contact Highways England in this respect as soon as possible.



Supporting documents: