Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Local Youth Network (LYN)

b)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

c)     Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

d)    Fire

e)    Salisbury BID

f)      Community Engagement Manager

g)    Community Campus

h)    Air Quality Group



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.


Local Youth Network (LYN)

Vice Chairman of the LYN, Rebecca Richards gave an update. The Group had met and considered requests for funding from the youth budget, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda, their recommendations were:


1.     To award £3,000 to The Sound Emporium

2.     To award £2,000 to the Hockey Club

3.     To agree to the £1,200 capital/Revenue swop for the Craft festival application


The Area Board considered these recommendations under item 13 – Community Area Funding.


Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

Following the recent boundary review decision at Full Council to keep Laverstock and Ford separate to Salisbury City, it was noted that moving forward the aim was to get to know each other a lot better.



Louis Minchella, District Commander for Salisbury and Wilton gave an update. The station and its’ staff continued to attend community events and schools to give input, advice and education.


Louis attended the recent meetings of the Health & Wellbeing Board, and the Safer & Supportive Communities group. These groups represent the views of vulnerable people, and were integral to the key priority of helping people to make safer and healthier choices. Educating people to the dangers around them and preventing risk. There was exciting work being done that DWFRS were keen to be involved in. I am working closely with these groups to ensure the service is put to the best use possible.


Cllr Douglas asked if data on false alarms and suggestions on reducing them could be brought to the next Board as part of the fire update.


Salisbury BID

Steve Godwin provided an update to the Board:


·       This year Salisbury would be accredited for the Purple Flag status, where two independent assessors would visit at night in October.

·       Work was underway to put together a waste charter to combat the number of different service providers currently serving the city. This would reduce the collections to once a day, six days of the week.


Community Engagement Manager

Karen Linaker updated on local projects and upcoming events:


        Road to Rio Sporting Challenge was taking place in June / July.

        A Walking Festival would take place in the first week of September.

        A Cycling Event was planned for 2 October at Five Rivers.

       The Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre open day was planned for 8th October. The centre would have activity rooms, a community bus scheme and an exhibition space.

        Two refugee families had settled in Salisbury with a growing band of volunteers to assist them.

        Local youth support and facilitation would be supported by a new Officer from September, following the departure of Winnie.

        The Health & Wellbeing Groups lead Cllr was Cllr John Walsh.

        The lead Cllr for the Child Wellbeing Group was Cllr Mary Douglas.


Child wellbeing Group - Cllr Mary Douglas

Representatives from Schools, the Rotary (our children our future group), Home Start, Baby Steps, Family Counselling Trust, Arts Centre, City Council and Wiltshire Council met on the 29th June to see how we could improve the communication of existing services and support to enhance child wellbeing, and to fill any gaps in that provision.


  1. We agreed to start with a focus on the needs of 0-5 year olds.


  1. Much was learnt and shared about the excellent work being done to support children and their families. 


  1. Our next steps will be to engage with those with whom we have not yet had a conversation, and to then decide the most effective actions to take.


Supporting documents: