Agenda item

16/05522/FUL and 16/05781/LBC: Poppy Cottage, 7 High Street, Downton, Wiltshire, SP5 3PG


Public Participation

Adam Mussell spoke in support of the application


The Planning Department Team Leader introduced the application for a 2 story rear extension to create a larger kitchen/dining and WC/utility on the ground floor and an additional bedroom at 1st floor. The application was recommended for refusal.


The Conservation Officer clarified issues detailed in the report relating to the listed buildings, these included the loss of an outshut and an eyebrow dormer, which was characteristic of buildings of this period. The design was considered unsympathetic and non traditional. The over scaled design would impact on the detached barn which was a separately listed building.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officers. It was noted that an out shut was a single story rear extension under a lean to roof, where the scullery and pantry were housed. The proposed extension was larger than the original extensions footprint.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee as detailed above.


Councillor Chris Devine proposed refusal as per Officer’s recommendation; as he felt that the design went against what was typically expected for a listed thatched property such as this. Councillor Ian McLennan seconded the motion.


The Committee discussed the application, noting that personal circumstances were not valid planning considerations and could not be taken into account. It was also noted that the Committee had upheld the Officers view on listed building developments for much smaller scale alterations on other developments; and that this development was much greater in size and impact.


It was felt that the development design was not in line with the style of historic Wiltshire listed buildings and despite the requirements of the applicant for additional space for his family, this grade 2 listed building was not suitable for development of this style and size.



That application 16/05522/FUL be REFUSED as per the Officers recommendation for the following reasons:


The application dwelling is a grade II listed building located within the Downton Conservation Area. The proposed development would involve the loss of a rear outshut and will result in the creation of a two storey rear extension (with flat roof dormer). The fact that the development does not affect the public view is not a principal consideration, given that anything which affects the character of a listed building, whether visible by the public or not, has to be assessed for its long-term impact on the designated heritage asset. The development is judged to result in ‘less than substantial harm’ to the listed building but such harm should only be accepted where the development results in a public benefit. It is not considered there is a public benefit for this proposal. The development is considered to be contrary to Core Policy 58 of the Adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy and Paragraph 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework.  



That application 16/05781/LBC be REFUSED as per the Officers recommendation for the following reasons:


The application dwelling is a grade II listed building located within the Downton Conservation Area. The proposed development would involve the loss of a rear outshut and will result in the creation of a two storey rear extension (with flat roof dormer). The fact that the development does not affect the public view is not a principal consideration, given that anything which affects the character of a listed building, whether visible by the public or not, has to be assessed for its long-term impact on the designated heritage asset. The development is judged to result in ‘less than substantial harm’ to the listed building but such harm should only be accepted where the development results in a public benefit. It is not considered there is a public benefit for this proposal. The development is considered to be contrary to Core Policy 58 of the Adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy and Paragraph 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework.



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