Agenda item

Community Area Transport Group update

Cllr Mark Connolly.


Cllr Mark Connolly outlined two schemes from the CATG notes dated 24 October 2016 that required Area Board approval to fund or approve:




·        Somme Road Cycle path – Mark Connelly to email Wiltshire Council to register the CATG’s support for the puffin crossing to be provided earlier than the s106 states.


·        Perham to Tidworth Cycle Path - S106 funding needs to be spent by September 17. The CATG agreed that up to £8,000 should be spent on designing a foot/cycle and foot path.



Concerns were raised re the number of HGVS using the A345 through Enford village. It was agreed that the issue would be raised with the relevant Wiltshire Council officers, and reply feedback to the Tidworth Area Board.


Answer to the HGVS using the A345 through Enford village question from Peter Binley – Head of Highways Asset Management ? Commissioning, Wiltshire Council.


The problems of increasing vehicle sizes on our roads are appreciated. The introduction of kerbs can help define the road edge for drivers and provides structural strength to the road edge. However they have limited value in restraining vehicles, especially the larger ones, and in some circumstances can deflect vehicles into the oncoming traffic. The cost of installing kerbs can be substantial and with a backlog of maintenance required on the highway network this is not likely to be a high priority at this site in the present circumstances.


Part of the problem appears to be the hedge on the other side of the road which is causing vehicles to move towards the centre of the road, with oncoming vehicles pulling over to the road edge to avoid them. Cutting the hedge is the responsibility of the landowner, and our local highway team will contact the Parish Council in order to approach the owner about getting the hedge cut. This may need to be followed up by enforcement action, but we would hope this issue can be resolved by agreement.


The traffic count information does not indicate any large increase in traffic in recent years. However, this is an A class road which does provide an important link for the local economy and businesses on the east side of the county and this is likely to remain the case.


The verge marker posts will be replaced when the matter of the hedge has been resolved.



Concerns were raised re missing signage on Coombe Lane, Enford.

Answer to the Coombe Lane sign question from Adrian Hampton – Head Local Highway Weather Emergency Services, Highways and Streetscene – South, Wiltshire Council.


I recognise the issues around this reported sign.  I am aware of the history and have received many such requests for similar sign maintenance/ replacement. 


The council has committed to meeting its obligations stated in its Highway Inspection Manual to ensure expectations and services delivered are aligned.  The manual covers the replacement of signs.


Regrettably signs such as the one described are not covered by the inspection manual.  Which means that this council does not replace these signs when they become damaged, go missing or are removed.  However, we would allow the parish council to fund the replacement if they feel this is appropriate.


I know the person who raised this will be disappointed, but I trust Wiltshire Council’s position is now clear.


We have been promoting the expected service levels through Cllr Mr Whitehead’s Newsletters to town and parish councils and have included the Highway Inspection Manual on many of the issues.  We have also discussed the service levels at the annual Parish and Town Council Highway Evening Meetings.  I will ensure the service levels are covered again in the January issue of Cllr Mr Whitehead’s Newsletter and I will ensure it is raised at the Parish and Town Highway Evening Meeting.



The Chairman thanked Cllr Connolly for his update.


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