Agenda item

Community-wide reports

a) Written and verbal updates from:


·       Police

·       Fire & Rescue Service

·       Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Wiltshire Council – Eat Well Information Item


b) Area Board Theme updates:


·       Health & Wellbeing

·       Youth

·       Footpaths


c) Parish Council /Community reports


·       WW1 Tree Planting project update



You are free to raise any issue on the night, but for a more detailed response please let us know in advance.



The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates from partners present at the meeting:


Police – Inspector Sparrow & Sergeant Tom Hutchins

Inspector Sparrow introduced his new deputy and drew attention to the update  circulated at the meeting.

Visibility, was the key target for the Neighbourhood Teams work at the moment. Resources were used as best we can. Pete was trying to deploy pulse patrols in Salisbury at the moment, where the aim was to carry out patrols by all available officers at one time, short bursts of all officers on the ground for 20 or 30 minutes at a time.


Wiltshire was a safe place with low crime rates. Class A drug dealing networks had recently been targeted. The special constabulary had been able to provide many hours of policing, saving the service huge amounts.



Questions and comments:


Q - The Chairman had been at the Police and Crime Panel that morning, where they had given the Commissioner a hard time about burglaries. 


A – We have a tasking team, and were gradually growing in numbers, with a Sergeant and 3 Officers. We were hoping to build on this in the new year. In the south of the county burglary was not our biggest problem.


Q – In Firsdown there had been a recent incident on the A30, it would be useful if the Parish Council were able to disseminate some information around the village. A reassurance that the incident was over could have been circulated.


A – That particular case was all to do with modern slavery and a firearm. Protocols were followed and yes there were armed Officers involved, however there was no threat to the villages. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to knock on doors, social media is the route for these updates.



Area Board Themed Updates:


Health & Wellbeing – Tom

Following on from the recent meeting, the plan was to try and create a pledge to organisations, to help people that might need help in the local community.


Youth – Tom

Cllr Ian McLennan and Tom had discussed the way forward for the provision supplied to the youth clubs. It was proposed that this would continue for a further 3 months until the end of the financial year, then to review for 2018/19.


Propose that the Area Board set aside £2,825 to continue the provision from the remaining two providers, as the third; ‘Go Active’ would not be continuing.

The loss of that provider was felt to be a shame as their input was really valued by our young people.


Cllr Clewer noted that as his daughter attended the youth group he would not vote on this motion.



The Southern Wiltshire awarded £2,825 to the youth provision for the remainder of the 2017/2018 financial year.



Tom noted that some additional strimmer training had taken place, to enable more people to go and carry out the work.


Four parishes had started work, and Tom had also met with Grimstead PC. There could soon be five or more villages taking part.


If your parish was interested in this project then get in touch with Tom.


Some parishes already have their own kit, the Board was looking to extend other parishes to enable them to carry out the work.


Cllr Leo Randall noted that work was still ongoing to replace old kissing gates. He commended the great work of the volunteers. .




Q – Redlynch was looking at the option of a circular footpath, one issue was the really boggy areas, could they have a load of gravel dumped to assist them in moving forward? A – Tom was meeting with Nick next week, so get in touch with Tom and then he would discuss this with Nick.



Parish Councils / Community Reports


  • WW1 Tree Planting project update


Deadline was 30th November – The board was looking at the feedback and would feedback at a later date.


Supporting documents: