Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Police

d)    Fire

e)    Salisbury BID

f)      Community Engagement Manager


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.


The Board received the following updates from Partners and Community Groups:


Salisbury City Council – Reg Williams, Clerk

·       Charter Sunday 12 February – A church service would be held to look back at when the charter was first awarded to the city.


·       The WC to SCC Asset Transfer would take place soon.


·       Budget setting discussions were taking place for 2017 – to invest in asset transfer.


·       The Harnham bunker project was extremely advanced now, and should be ready in a few weeks.


Laverstock and Ford – David Burton

·       The Country Park development at Hampton Park 2 – had experienced delays on the legal side, with developer issues over overspill. L&F was doing everything they could to speed this up.


·       A handover at Longhedge with a community open space and public space with a football pitch had taken place.


·       At Old Sarum a new local equipment area of play had started construction, and should be complete in February.


Question: Was there any news on a link between Longhenge and Old Sarum? Answer: L&F was keen to liaise with necessary parties to find a solution.


Police – Inspector Pete Sparrow

·       The Anti social behaviour in Culver Street car park had seemed to have been reduced as the Police had displaced a lot of people who were sleeping rough or causing a nuisance there.


·       One contract has been relaxed after behaviour improved and two were given a final warning.


·       Operation numerate was a new initiative for the city centre to reduce anti social behaviour.


·       There had been an increase in purse thefts around market place, trying to promote our work, and offering purse chains.


·       Shoplifters had been in operation over last week.


·       Street drinking and begging was always an issue, the Police had spoke to their colleagues in Bath to see how they addressed the issue. A Community Protection Warning could be issued. If people did not comply with the warning then this could escalate to a community protection notice. This made it a more effective way to deal with begging.


·       Operation Let related to Essex Square. They were looking at how to change the makeup of the characters there.


·       A key area of Police work was to focus on vulnerable people.


·       Over last 2 months there had been an arson incident where 6 cars, a portaloo and a light aircraft had all been set alight in one night. Using the ANPR cameras they had been able to track down the person. One person was remanded in custody and 2 further people had also been involved.


·       Cannabis factories had been raided where in one approximately £17,000 of goods had being grown, and in the second £15,000.


Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue – Tom Brolan


·       Highlighted the importance of checking home smoke alarms to ensure that they were in good working order.


·       Officers had Been proactive at supporting local events at schools.


·       Training provision had branched out to include the Flood Warden training which would be held at the fire station.


·       Flu clinics were now promoting the Safe and Well initiative.


·       The statistics showed that the numbers of fire call outs were going down.


·       A written update was circulated at the meeting.


Community Engagement Manager – Karen Linaker


A DVD was shown detailing a recap of events over the last year.


One of the Legacy events which would be returning was the Clean for the Queen initiative. In 2017 this would be called the Big Spring Clean. Further information would be circulated in due course.


A new initiative following on from the Big Pledge would be taking place which involved people taking part in a variety of physical activity challenges. This year London would be holding the athletics championships for the first time, so Wiltshire Council would be setting a range of new challenges, which would also include a disability challenge. More information would be coming out shortly.


Air Quality Management Group

·       The Group had met and work to plant trees had continued.

·       Ongoing work included looking at routes for non-vehicular activities.