Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·       Fire & Rescue


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Police

b)    Fire

c)     JSA Update

d)    Wiltshire Council Items for Information

e)    Wilton Town Team minutes

f)      Clinical Commissioning Group Updates

g)    Healthwatch Wiltshire Update


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


Police – Inspector Pete Sparrow

In addition to the written reports attached to the agenda, he noted that crime figures for the South West Wiltshire community areas were quite promising for the period.


Recruitment of additional Officers had been ongoing throughout the year and recent Operations carried out had assisted in reducing the crime figures.



Questions and comments:

·         I have used the 101 service and got through quickly so appreciate the improvements there.


·         We recently held the Mere carnival, where the marshals commented that we had no police presence. Answer: With the resources that are available we must look at where and how we deal with events like this and the associated road closures and manage the risks effectively.


·         Have you an update on the specials that had been recruited. Answer: the plan was to increase the specials to 500 over a 2 year period. We are up to approximately 350.


·         What has the uptake of the community messaging service been? Answer; This scheme was well used; it was a good way to circulate updates of current crimes in the area.


Fire – No one was available to attend


Q – BW - how do the percentages compare with the rest of Wiltshire and Dorset.

On call recruitment – can we have an update on this, how many recruits will be trained and how would that impact on availability.





To note the attached written reports on the agenda.


Supporting documents: