Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community

Groups present, including:


·       Police Neighbourhood Teams

·       Fire & Rescue


To note any written updates or online links attached to the agenda:


·       Fire

·       Wilton Town Team minutes

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·       Consultations:


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minute slot,

unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements

with the Community Area Manager.



Police – Inspector Pete Sparrow

Pete introduced new Inspector, Andy Fee, who had taken over from James Brain.


Some key areas of work:


·         Following the recent terror attack in Manchester, there had been a knock-on effect which had seen armed officers patrolling in Salisbury, with additional armed military backup on the streets.


·         The threat level was still at severe, however there were no direct terrorist threats in the South West of England. Pete added that Terrorism would only be beaten by communities working together.


·         There had been reports in the national media of a big drug issue with the Xannex, anti-anxiety drug highly used in America. This drug was not available on the NHS in the UK. There had been 20 cases of children being taken to hospital after taking the drug, in a two-week period. Pete urged schools and parents to talk to their children and explain the dangers of this drug.


·         There was an issue with the waiting time of calls to the 101 number being answered. Due to the quantity of calls the operators need to filter, to ensure Police Officers were free for the emergencies that come in.


·         Wiltshire Police was having a huge recruitment drive in all areas. The largest area of recruitment was for call handling operators, with progress in other fields.  Five new Police Officer‘s would be joining Salisbury.


·         There had been a couple of gate thefts, which were made of oak, and were of high value. Pete urged people with high quality gates to ensure they were well secured.


·         New Inspector Andy Fee had spent most of his service based in the south of the county. He had been a Detective in Salisbury for 9 years, serving as the Custody Officer for 2 years, Public Protection for 4 years. He also acted as lead Wiltshire Officer for domestic abuse and vulnerable people.


·         Andy knew the area and was looking forward to meeting everyone in the team and getting to know how they worked in these areas.



Who would attend the new Community Safety Partnership meetings? Answer: Cllr Jeans would be the Boards Lead Member, he would attend with the Community Coordinators from the Police. There would be some involvement from Andy and Pete when required. The next meeting would be held on 19 June, 2pm at the Nadder Centre.



Fire & Rescue – Jason Moncrieff

Jason was the Station Manager for Salisbury and Wilton, the Station Manager for Warminster was Darren Nixon who was not in attendance at this meeting. Jason’s update included:


·         There had been 22 responses through march

·         There had only been one incident on the A303 within this patch, this had taken place at the A36 interchange.

·         There had been no incidents for the Co-responding crew for Tisbury and Mere in the last two months.

·         Availability for the retained stations in Mere and Tisbury were under 50% Difficult hours to staff were Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. Jason urged anyone who had influence with employers to please speak positively to encourage them to release their employees.

·         The Fire Community Engagement officer will be coming to the next AB meeting.


The Board noted the following written updates attached to the agenda:


·         Fire & Rescue

·         Wilton Town Team

·         Healthwatch Wiltshire

·         Clinical Commissioning Group

Supporting documents: