Agenda item

17/2061/FUL - Hillside House, Lockeridge, Marlborough, SN8 4EL


Public Participation


Mr Mark Lawson, applicant, spoke in support of the application

Mr Bob Edwards, heritage consultant, spoke in support of the application


Isla MacNeal, senior conservation officer, introduced the two reports relating to the site, for planning permission and for listed building consent. There had been one late item from the applicant which had been circulated to members. The first report outlined the application for planning permission for: the erection of a replacement side extension; a glazed link into an associated outbuilding and a new attached store; and external alternations to the main house and outbuilding. The officer highlighted an error in the decription of development and clarified that the internal alternations were only for consideration under the application for listed building consent. Key issues included: the scale and bulk of the proposal; the design and use of materials; the impact on the character and setting of the listed building and on the conservation area; the impact on the neighbour amenity; and the ecological impact. The second report outlined the application for listed building consent for the same proposals with the addition of internal alterations to the main building and outbuilding. Additional key issues included the changes to the proportions of the rooms on the first floor. The officer recommended that both the planning and the listed building applications be refused for the reasons set out in the report.


Members of the Committee were invited to ask technical questions of the officer. In response to questions, the senior conservation officer confirmed that it had not been necessary to consult Historic England due to the limited demolition work involved in the proposal.


Members of the public were then invited to speak as detailed above.


Cllr Jane Davies, as local division member, spoke in support of the application.


In response to issues raised during the public participation, it was clarified that the planning considerations for making changes to a listed building related to the impact on the significance of the listed building itself as opposed to how visible it would be from public vantage points. It was also reported that flat roofs were not a common feature in the local area.


Cllr Richard Gamble, seconded by Cllr Peter Evans, moved that the application be approved with suitable conditions as detailed.


In the debate that followed, the following points were made: that adjustments to listed buildings were often required in order to facilitate modern living standards; that no objections had been received from the parish council or local residents; that the building did not currently have easy access to its garden and that the proposed changes would enable this; that the proposal was sensitive to the character of the buildings; that taking down the existing 20th Century extension would improve the appearance of the property; that the extent of the proposed compromise to the existing building was acceptable; that the linearity of the building would be lost if the proposed changes were made but that this was not unusual for similar buildings in the area; that despite the size of the extension’s footprint its design would make it appear subservient to the main building; and that any improvements should be considered against the council’s obligation to protect listed buildings.


In response to points raised during the debate, the area team leader confirmed that materials could be controlled through the imposition of a condition but not a change to the design of the extention and that members should determine the application based on the design submitted. It was also confirmed that the previous consent for a dormer window and internal works had been partially implemented so it could not be revoked through a section 106 legal agreement.


At the conclusion of debate, it was



To grant planning permission, subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission



To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents:

Doc Title: Bat Survey Report by Stark Ecology Ltd, Dated: February 2017.

Doc Title: Application Form.

Drg Title: Existing Section (House). Drg No: MFhillsideSECH.

Drg Title: Existing First Floor Plan. Drg No: MFhillsideFF. Rev: A.

Drg Title: Existing Detailed Elevations (House). Drg No: MFhillsideELH.

Drg Title: Existing Section (Barn). Drg No: MFhillsideSECB.

Drg Title: Existing Second Floor Plan. Drg No: MFhillside. Rev: A.

Drg Title: Existing Ground Floor Plan. Drg No: MFhillside. Rev: A.

Drg Title: Existing Detailed Elevations (Barn). Drg No: MFhillsideELB.

Drg Title: Topographical Survey. Drg No: MFhillsideTOPO.

Drg Title: Location Plan. Drg No: 150819-01.

Drg Title: Proposed Site Plan. Drg No: 150819-103. Rev: B.

Drg Title: Proposed Ground Floor Plan. Drg No: 150819-104. Rev: C.

Drg Title: Proposed First Floor Plan. Drg No: 150819-105. Rev: C. 

Drg Title: Proposed West and South Elevations. Drg No: 150819-106. Rev: C.

Drg Title: Proposed East and North Elevations. Drg No: 150819-107. Rev: C.

Drg Title: Section and Sectional Elevations. Drg No: 150819-108. Rev: C.



For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning


3. The development shall be constructed in strict accordance with the recommendations given in the Bat Survey Report by Stark Ecology, dated February 2017



To mitigate against the loss of existing biodiversity and nature habitats.




4. The applicant should note that under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and the Habitats Regulations (2010) it is an offence to disturb or harm any protected species, or to damage or disturb their habitat or resting place.  Please note that this consent does not override the statutory protection afforded to any such species.  In the event that your proposals could potentially affect a protected species you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist and consider the need for a licence from Natural England prior to commencing works.  Please see Natural England's website for further information on protected species



Supporting documents: