Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:

·        Healthwatch Wiltshire

·        NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

·        Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older people (POPP)

·        Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

·        Wiltshire Police

·        Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue

·        Pewsey Dementia Action Alliance

·        Others


The partner updates provided in the Agenda pack were referred to.


An additional update was provided by the Chairman for the Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older people (POPP), stating that Pewsey now has a Carer café running from the Fire Station every 4th Tuesday in the month and the groups hopes to distribute a Pewsey Community Transport leaflet promoting all local community and public transport options following the bus review.


A verbal update was received from Inspector Nick Mawson who explained that policing the Solstice Festival had been managed well. He also advised the Board that Wiltshire Police had recently been successful in preventing a large illegal rave from settling in Wiltshire. The Board were also informed that there had been a significant  reduction in thefts from vehicles, compared to the period prior to the last Area Board,  and that two people had been charged with a large number of thefts from vehicle crimes.

Supporting documents: