Agenda item

Waste Management Strategy - Consultation

Information on the consultation for the new Waste Management Strategy, to shape how the Council collects and manages household waste and recycling.


Julie Anderson Hill (Interim HOS Culture and Operational Change) and Tracy Carter, Associate Director for Waste and Environment delivered information on the consultation for the new Waste Management Strategy, to shape how the Council collects and manages household waste and recycling.


The Council had adopted a 10-year business plan, and would now produce a strategy to support delivery of that plan.


Following the new contract which began on 2nd Oct, over next few months each household recycling centre (HRC) would be closed for a few days at a time, to enable the old contractor to clear the site and new contractor will be able to move in. Flyers available at the meeting detailed the dates each site would be closed.


Churchfields would close for these refurbishments from 9th – 18th November, during that time the Amesbury and Warminster sites would remain open on their usual scheduled days.


Tracy then asked those present to take part in a multiple-choice question session, using a small number of questions selected from the consultation. Those responses were collected for consideration as part of the consultation.


For the full consultation about the Waste Management Strategy, please visit   Closing date: 14th November 2017.




  • Would we be able to recycle plastic categories 4 to 6? Answer: New service from 30 July 2018 would see a change in the way we collect our recyclables. Only glass in the black box. We will be collecting plastic pots tubs and trays, and the tetra packs all in blue bin. A full campaign would be carried out nearer the time.
  • What about plastic packaging? Answer: Not plastic film. But plastic trays that fruit and meat will come in will be able to be collected.
  • WC stopped the grant to the Burnbake charity, but they were still expected to provide goods to them. Why do you charge charities to dump their excess rubbish at the recycling centre? Answer: There were currently ongoing discussion regarding this. We do recommend that charities only take in items that can be refurbished, so that they are left with less to dispose of at recycling centres.
  • Can we recycle food waste? Answer: We do not provide a separate collection at the curb side for food waste. We do subsidise composters that do compost all food waste. Details of these are available.
  • The HRC open hours have been reduced and we have we seen a consistent increase in fly tipping as a result. Answer:  Yes there has been an increase in fly tipping however this reflects a national increase. The HRC’s are for residents to take their household waste, the fly tipped waste we see was of a commercial nature where someone has paid a business to take waste away and instead they fly tip it.
  • The HRC was always busy during the opening hours, with visitors having to queue to get in, are you opening long enough and often enough? Answer: The changes to the opening hours were a savings measure. They remained popular, Churchfields is one of our more popular sites, and they are quieter in the afternoon. We do not have the budget to pay for additional hours. This year when the council set the budget it allocated additional funding to allow three sites to open an additional day of the week during the busiest months.