Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following partners or outside bodies:

      i.        Wiltshire Police – Regular update

    ii.        Dorset Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – additional update

   iii.        NHS and CCG

   iv.        Trowbridge Community Area Future (TCAF)

    v.        Town and Parish Councils


Other Bodies

   vi.        Campus Working Group

  vii.        Safer and Supportive Communities Group





Updates from partners were received as follows:


     i.        Wiltshire Police

The written update was noted. Inspector Andy Fee reported on recent developments, including that West Wiltshire would be the pilot for a Drone operation scheme, details on weekly meetings on Community Speedwatch, and encouraged as many as possible to sign up to the team’s community messaging service.


    ii.        Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written update was noted. Andy Green provided details on staffing and response levels in the previous year, as well as the work of other teams such as the Safe and Wellbeing team and the Salamander Team. Details were also sought on the Fire Cadet Scheme, now running every Wednesday evening at Trowbridge Fire Station.


  iii.        NHS and CCG

The written updates were noted. There were no further updates.


  iv.        Trowbridge Community Area Future (TCAF)

The written update was noted. Lindsey Millen from TCAF provided further updates on work that had been achieved in the previous year, as attached to these minutes, detailing engagement with approximately 250 young people, 60 on a regular basis, though 5 part time staff.


    v.        Town and Parish Councils

The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was noted. Attention was drawn to the report on the Trowbridge Campus, and that the Town Council’s Policy and Resources Committee had now responded to Wiltshire Council. Further updates were received as follows:


Hilperton Parish Council detailed that the closing date for the regulation 16 consultation on their Neighbourhood Plan was 2 February, and they welcomed any supportive comments from fellow parishes and the town.


North Bradley Parish Council detailed ongoing work on their own Neighbourhood Plan, although it had been noted significant new housing was planned for in Wiltshire Council’s assessments. There was also a new member on the Parish Council.


West Ashton Parish Council updated the Board, and thanked the Community Area Transport Group for the installation of new speed bumps.


  vi.        Campus Working Group

Tim Martienssen, Interim Director of Economic Development and Planning, provided an update on recent developments on the East Wing Site, intended location for the Trowbridge Health and Wellbeing Centre (Campus). The latest report from the consultants for the project was being analysed, and the detailed figures they had provided indicated that to include a swimming pool within the facilities would be very challenging.


Colin Kay, Chair of the Working Group, welcomed the update, although the group was still awaiting sight of the final report from the consultants. He also emphasised that the final decision on any campus option was a political one and that it was important that all options, even the challenging ones, be presented to the Wiltshire Council Cabinet. He noted the importance of investing in the county town, and how the provision of a swimming pool would be a key asset for an area in need of regenerations.


In response, it was confirmed all options would be presented to the Cabinet, and that it was hoped the consultant’s report would be available in February.


 vii.        Safer and Supportive Communities Group and Health and Wellbeing Group

Mary Cullen, Community Engagement Manager, provided an overview of the last safer group meeting at which local policing, dementia action and homelessness were discussed. It was noted that the Police weapons surrender programme had seen 50 weapons handed in, that the PSPO had seen 100 tickets issued to date. With regard to dementia, 12 members of the NPT had recently been trained as dementia champions. In relation to homelessness, rough sleepers were of concern in the cold weather and breakthrough Trowbridge were continuing their search for premises.

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