Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue
  3. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  4. Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  5. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
  6. Transition Marlborough
  7. Town / Parish Councils
  8. Community Engagement Manager


Attention was drawn to the written reports from partners attached to the agenda.


·         Wiltshire Police

At the Chair’s invitation, Inspector Chris Martin introduced himself to the meeting. He had been in his new role of Inspector for Marlborough, Pewsey and Devizes for approximately seven weeks. Inspector Martin summarised the agenda report. In response to questions from the Board, Inspector Martin stated that the target response time in rural areas was 20 minutes and in urban areas was 10 minutes. These targets were being achieved with a 90% success rate. The police service was looking at bringing back the Community Messaging Service, PSCO’s has been allocated to oversee this project. Marlborough Police Station was to close, as the Police needed to make savings of 30%. However the Police were working with Wiltshire Council to find a location for a touchdown centre in Marlborough and the front desk would still be manned. Community Policing would not be effect by these changes.


·         MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)

Richard Pitts of the MADT advised the meeting that the Raspberry Pi Jam would be taking place Saturday 19 May 2018. A Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable, easy to use single board computer, aimed at teaching, learning and making. Attendees would also be able to use virtual reality to see what it is like to drive the Bloodhound (the world’s fastest car).


  • Town / Parish Councils

The newly elected Marlborough Town Mayor, Lisa Farrell, gave an update from the town council. After consulting with the town on 20mph speed limits, the majority of respondents (66%) preferred the option where a 20mph limit would be implemented throughout the full qualifying areas of Marlborough, with the addition of 20mph carriageway roundels on St Martins and Kingsbury Street. Other comments received also requested that speed restrictions and safety measures should be implemented at George Lane. Marlborough Town Council would be responding to a consultation run by Wiltshire Council on parking charges and encouraged others to do the same. The consultation was to close on 21 May 2018. The Coopers Meadow Play Area was to be upgraded. A civil war re-enactment of the battle of Marlborough was to take place on 27/28 July 2018. Eight organisations had benefitted from small grants awarded by the town council during 2017/2018.


·         Community Engagement Manager Update

Officer Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager, advised the meeting that he works from Marlborough Library on Wednesdays. Anyone seeking information on the Area Board or advice regarding grants was welcomed to visit him there.


The Area Board budget for 2018/2019 had been finalised, the total budget was £71,706.


The World War One Centenary tree planting project was well underway, with eight locations selected across the community area. 1,700 trees would be planted for November 2018.


An update was given on the Big Pledge 2018.


The Community Area Transport Group (CATG) was made up of Area Board Members, Town and Parish Councillors and meets quarterly. The function of the Community Area Transport Group was for raising long-standing problems or suggesting small improvements to highways – particularly around safety. Rather than for reporting faults or asking for repairs to be carried out. The public need to raise issues via an online form. Then, if agreed by the local council and the CATG it would become a project. 5 high priority projects are worked on at a time.


Dog fouling had been reported as a problem in the area. Official text warnings of the offence to allow dogs to foul an open area must be in place in order for wardens to hand out warnings and fines under Public Space Protection Orders. The Area Board was hoping to offer signs to parishes, recreation grounds, sorts clubs, et cetera. The signs would be subsidised by the Area Board and offered for just £20. Updates on this project would be given at future meetings.


·         Other

Randy King, vice chair of Devizes Liberal Democrats thanked the Board for the provision of non-statutory services, such as public parks. He commented that some of these were provided at great cost. He felt that the closure of the outdoor education centres may need to be reviewed taking into account the value they create rather than the value that can be extracted. The Chair thanked him for his comments.






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