Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Police

d)    Fire

e)    Salisbury BID

f)      Community Engagement Manager

g)    Child Wellbeing Group



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.



The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Salisbury City Council (SCC) – Cllr Matthew Dean

·       SCC was a major sponsor of ‘Salisbury Live’ which hosted a series of over 200 music gigs across the city. 

·       There had been an improved change in the cleanliness of the city, with the introduction of the new kit which was now operational. Having focused on the city centre since May, we would be moving out to the suburbs next.

·       SCC was currently going through a staffing review, to reflect its business plan and priorities.

·       Making steps to support a number of community groups and events across Salisbury, in light of the recent incident.

·       A new event guide would be sent out to households over next few weeks. A copy of this would be brought to the next Area Board to attach to the minutes.

·       The next Mayor making for the city would take place on Sunday.


Laverstock and Ford Parish Council -

·       The Parish Council was assisting where possible to promote the recovery plan for Salisbury.

·       Recently supported the teenage market

·       Held a lantern parade in the country park, involving all of the children and the developers.

·       The Country Park information event had been held in Bishopdown Farm.

·       Supporting events like Salisbury Live.

·       Had funded a more professional stage at the Community Farm.

·       The materials had arrived for the green space, and the final ground works had now re-commenced.

·       The PC was pressing developers to create adjoining paths.

·       Work on the Parish Plan continued.


Question: Cllr Walsh noted that the PC hoped to take over the country park in May, he asked what the boundaries were, and would the PC put a map out for all to see? Answer: Yes it would once they had taken ownership of it.


Police – Inspector Pete Sparrow

Since I was here last we have had two major incidents to deal with, the snow on the A303 and then the poisoning in the City.

The same officers have had to deal with both incidents, we have been incredibly proud of the way they had responded. There had also been a huge level of community support by the public to the Officers on the cordons.


There had been a merge of the south Community Policing Team with Amesbury, this would provide a wider pool of officers, and was a natural fit which matched the demands across the areas. There were nine new Police Officers and four local crime investigators starting in June.


A crime statistic report had been published the previous week.


Community Speed Watch would be actively supported by Officers, who would  go out and target the highest recorded areas for speeding.


Question: Cllr Dalton drew attention to the crime statistics on the handout, in comparison to those available on a BBC app, which detailed figures for specific areas. He noted that the figures for Salisbury on the app stated that recorded crime was up, however actual charges being brought against those people committing those crimes was down, with Wiltshire down 4500. Answer: I have not looked at how that data was collated.  If they are not charged on the day of request they are released and sent a postal summons, and it did not say that those figures included summons.


Cllr Dean noted that on behalf of SCC and as a ward Councillor, we were incredibly thankful for all the Officers had done during the snow incident, then straight in to another major incident, of the poisoning.


The Chairman added that she was aware of how all agencies had been working well together.


Fire and Rescue  – Jason Moncrieff

·       The local station had been involved with providing accommodation to partner services including ambulance and police staff.


·       The 4x4 had been used to get essential workers to their place of work during the snow incident.

·       The Service had held a 10m road cycling race out of the fire station.

·       Just hosted a NHS blood donation session from the fire station

·       A Salamander course, was scheduled to be held from Amesbury fire station.

·       A specific crew had received a letter of thanks from the Prime Minister.

·       The second appliance had seen a dip in cover during the month of February, however this recovered in March.

·       There would be two new whole time recruits to Salisbury before the end of June.


Thanks were given to the Fire Service for the amazing work during the recent two incidents.


Salisbury BID  

The Chairman noted that they had been engaged in the recovery of the City. They had been carrying out work to measure visitors to Salisbury.


Community Engagement Manager – Karen Linaker

·       It had been an intense period, with all partners working really hard.

·       Salisbury’s first Men’s Shed was coming together.

·       HWB group had market stalls to raise profile and attract volunteers.

·       There was an event planned at the Quaker meeting house in June – SWGS will be involved in that event.

·       The next Celebrating Age project would take place on 29 May, at the Methodist Church, Salisbury.

·       Next week was Dementia Action week, with events across the city taking place, and various organisations taking part.

·       A huge elite cycle race event would take place on 31 May. 


Child Wellbeing Group – Cllr Douglas 

Work had been focused in the Friary, the Group had discussed moving to other areas but decided not to. The community foundation had found a large amount of money over 5 years, and decided to focus on families with children aged 0-5 years, as this had the greatest effect on those children and all involved with them.


The group had been tasked to do communication, there were many websites, but, talking to those who work on the Friary with residents, they suggested Facebook as the most effective.





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