Agenda item

W/10/02102/FUL - Provision of children's and other equipment, general refurbishment works and upgrading of existing pedestrian access - Corsley Playing Field Corsley Heath Corsley Wiltshire


1.         Mrs J Redman spoke in objection to the application

2.         Dr N Carpenter spoke in support of the application

3.         Mrs M Liquorice spoke in support of the application

4.         Mrs C Firman-Ford spoke in support of the application

5.         Mr M Holley, representing Corsley Parish Council, expressed the concerns of the Parish Council.


Officers introduced the report which recommended approval. Officers showed details of the equipment proposed and explained the levels of noise testing that had been carried out. They also drew the Committee’s attention to the late list which stated that the application 99/00659/FUL had been refused on 15.07.99 (not 15.07.2010) as stated in the Relevant Planning History on page 14. Additional comments received and comments from the Planning Officer were also on the late list.

A debate followed during which the issues of nuisance for local residents (including noise levels) and the safety of pedestrians and cyclists entering and exiting the site were discussed. The quality of the equipment proposed and the amount of work put in by the Playing Filed Committee were praised by the Committee.


During the debate the Chairman pointed out that condition 4 on the report did not apply as no permission had been sought for lighting on the application. Should planning permission be granted the Committee agreed to remove condition 4 and replace it with an informative.


It was therefore




That planning permission be GRANTED


For the following reason(s):


The proposed development conforms to the Development Plan and there are no objections to it on planning grounds.


Subject to the following condition(s):


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. No site clearance or development shall commence on site until an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) prepared by an arboricultural consultant providing comprehensive details of construction works within the Bicycle Area (30), Ramp Access (49) to the bicycle area and the Safety Fencing (66) in relation to trees shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. All works shall subsequently be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details. In particular, the method statement must provide the following: -

- A specification for protective fencing to trees during development phase which complies with BS5837:2005 and a plan indicating the alignment of the protective fencing;

- A specification for scaffolding and ground protection within tree protection zones in accordance with BS5837:2005

- A schedule of tree works conforming to BS3998.

- Details of general arboricultural matters such as the area for storage of materials, concrete mixing and use of fires;

- A full specification for the construction of any arboriculturally sensitive structures and sections through them, including the installation of boundary treatment works, the method of construction including details of the no-dig specification in the ramped area;

- Details of the works requiring arboricultural supervision (the ramped area) to be carried out by the developer’s arboricultural consultant and procedure for notifying the Local Planning Authority of the findings of the supervisory visits.


Reason: To prevent trees on site from being damaged during construction works.


3. The development shall be carried out as specified in the approved Arboricultural Method Statement (ASM), and shall be supervised by an arboricultural consultant.

Reason: To prevent trees on site from being damaged during construction works.




Planning permission will be required for any lighting on site.


Supporting documents: