Agenda item

Community Area Grants Scheme

Councillors will be asked to consider five applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


a)    Bromham Social Centre, seeking £5,000 for overhaul of central heating system

b)    Drews Pond Wood Project, seeking £1,000 for a small replacement tractor

c)    All Cannings Community Store Association Limited, seeking £1,700 for upgrade of present till and back office computer systems

d)    Lydeway Allotment Association, seeking £1,000 for agreement with local farmer to rent an area of land for allotments

e)    SUKOSTA theatre company, seeking £3,350 towards ‘Our Time’, high quality theatre residencies with the elderly community (65+) of Devizes.


Consideration was given to seven funding applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme. Two late funding applications were considered by the Area Board as matters of urgent business, these applications were received from the Devizes Development Partnership and the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust. The Chairman explained these late applications would be considered by the Area Board as an exception, as the Christmas related funding was required before the next Area Board meeting. This should not be taken as setting a precedent.



Bromham Social Centre were awarded £5,000 towards a replacement central heating system.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and would allow different parts of the building to be heated separately, reducing the heating bills for the venue and allowing different parts of the building to be heated appropriately.  



Drews Pond Wood Project were awarded £1,000 for the purchase of a second hand tractor unit.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and the application demonstrates a link to the community plan (greater public participation in the management of open spaces and community nature reserves).



All Cannings Community Store Association Ltd were awarded £1,700 towards upgrade of till and back office computer system, subject to the balance of match funding being confirmed.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and the application demonstrates a link to the community plan (protecting rural services). 



The Lydeway Allotment Association were awarded £910 towards funding for materials and equipment hire.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and the application contributes to one of the strategic objectives of the Devizes Community Area Strategic Action Plan 2007-2012 – healthy and vibrant villages for the rural population. 



SUKOSTA were awarded £3,350 towards theatre residencies with the elderly community of Devizes, after the applicant confirmed with the Community Area Manager provisional bookings for the project.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and would allow explorative theatre workshops to be run in residential homes and possibly at luncheon clubs. 



Devizes Development Partnership were awarded £1,500 towards the Christmas Lantern Parade.



The application was felt to be of strong community benefit. 



Kennet and Avon Canal Trust were awarded £646 towards guided historical walks as part of the Christmas Lantern Parade.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and the application demonstrates a link to the community plan (promoting tourism). 


Supporting documents: