Agenda item

The Great Stones Way

To receive a presentation on the Great Stones Way project.



The Chairman invited Ian Ritchie, from the Friends of the Ridgeway, to give a presentation on The Great Stones Way.


This was a new walking route linking Avebury and Stonehenge, which would also help complete the Ancient Ridgeway: a walking route stretching across South England from Lyme Regis in Dorset, to Holme in Norfolk.


The Friends of the Ridgeway was a registered Charity which sought to preserve the special characteristics of the Ridgeway.  Following success in establishing other sections of the route, the next stage was to implement The Great Stones Way, running over 38 miles and encompassing various sites with historic and archaeological interest.


It was hoped that this route would attract national and international visitors to the area, in turn generating huge economic benefits, with estimates of around £6 million revenue per annum, including many new jobs.  It was hoped that the route would also support the on-going financial viability of small businesses, including shops post offices and pubs.  In comparison to these benefits, it was considered that the costs were relatively modest: around £105,000 for disability access gates, signposts, repairs to the track, legal costs and project management.


The project was currently in discussion with partner organisations including Wiltshire Council, Visit Wiltshire and the North Wessex Downs AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).  Consultation was also beginning with local communities and Town/Parish Councils; Ian commented that he was happy to attend meetings at the request of Town/Parish Councils.   Once funding had been secured, works to signage and access could begin, and maps, promotional literature and the website could be produced.


There were several ways to get involved:

·        views and suggestions were welcome

·        those in favour of the scheme were encouraged to send a letter of support

·        there were opportunities to volunteers as wardens and to help with the on-going trail maintenance

·        financial support was also welcomed.


The Chairman thanked Ian for the presentation and asked for a show of hands to demonstrate support for the project.  The majority of those present were in favour of the scheme.  Questions and comments were raised as follows:


·        Representatives from Stanton St Bernard raised concerns regarding car parking arrangements, and possible congestion/highways safety issues from walkers’ parked cars.  Ian responded that solution were being considered including a “henge hopper” shuttle bus, which would allow walkers to park at a major car park, walk some of the route, and them get the bus back.


·        Responding to concerns over signage, Ian commented that local input would be sought regarding the best locations for signs and the preferred routes.  Most Parish Councils had a Rights of Way “contact” who may be able to help with this.


·        Several Parish Councils emphasised the need for thorough consultation in relation to the proposed routes, and it was noted that public meetings, possibly held jointly between adjoining Parish Councils, could be effective.


·        Ian clarified that Wiltshire Council had a legal responsibility to maintain the Right of Way, and that The Friends of the Ridgeway were hoping to establish a volunteer scheme to support this.


·        In response to a question over the security of valuable items in churches along the route, Ian accepted that there was a small increase in risk.  However it was not anticipated that the demographic of people who would be using the route would give rise to any significant concerns.


Following discussion it was moved and seconded that the Area Board write a letter of support for the project.



The Pewsey Area Board supports in principle the project to establish The Great Stones Way, and requests officers to write to the Friends of the Ridgeway confirming this support.


Supporting documents: