Agenda item

CCG - Update on Devizes Health Centre

To receive an update from Dr Richard Sandford-Hill of the CCG on the Devizes Health Centre.


The meeting received an update from Dr Richard Sandford-Hill of the CCG on the Devizes Health Centre.


Dr Sandford-Hill reminded the meeting that it was the time of year that flu was prevalent and stated that there had been an increase in the numbers of people contracting the virus and an increase in hospital admissions as a result. He recommended that people get vaccinated against the flu. 


Regarding the integrated care centre, the outline business case had been approved and would now need to be assessed by procurement. This process would take approximately 12 weeks. The CCG had agreed to continue funding development of the full business case, which would take another 9 months to a year. So, although progress was being made it was slow.


In response to questions it was stated that work would probably start in the first or second quarter of 2021.


There was a shortage of GP’s in the Devizes area, this was also reflected nationally. With the population living longer and many people living with complex health issues this was a problem as demand was going up. Two of the Devizes practices had been advertising for Doctors for over a year. One way to combat the issues was to employ more non-doctors, for example to have a Primary Care Network that utilised nurse practitioners, paramedics, pharmacists and physiotherapists. Devizes had one of the most developed Primary Care Networks in Wiltshire, but more Doctors were needed.


It was explained that the old hospital would not be shut until the new building was up and running, there were still people working there. Friends of Devizes Hospital addressed the meeting and explained that they had money to spend but were not sure what to do with it due to the current situation. Dr Sandford-Hill stated that it may be worth holding fire until new building is built. If anything was bought for the old hospital it may be worth making sure that it would it be transferred over to the new building.


A representative of Sustainable Devizes queried the poor nature of bus services to Marshall Road, the site of the new care centre, and asked if this would be addressed.  Cllr Whitehead stated that all bus routes and timings to the new care centre would be looked at.


A question was received regarding flu jabs being ineffective, people being admitted to hospital as they were not given antibiotics and whether there was a policy to be careful when issuing antibiotics. Dr Sandford-Hill explained that the flu was a virus and does not respond to antibiotics. If complications arose involving secondary infection, then at that stage antibiotics might be given. He could not comment on the particular case mentioned as he had not seen the patient, but if there was no evidence of a secondary infection then antibiotics would not usually be issued for the flu as they had no effect and Doctors were trying to prevent antibiotic resistance.


A member of the audience asked whether there would be a minor injuries unit at the care centre as with population increase it would seem like a good idea, that made ecological and economic sense. It was explained that it was hoped that minor injuries could be treated at the new centre. The proposals were not that different to the Urgent Care Centre that was originally proposed. However, they did not want a walk in and wait facility. The idea was for people to telephone and get triaged, then attend the centre as necessary.


The Chairman thanked Dr Sandford-Hill for the update.