Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:

a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)    NHS Wiltshire

d)    Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership

e)    Town and Parish Councils.


The Chairman welcomed Anna Mead from The Stroke Association to the meeting. Anna and her colleague joined Area Board members, Great Western Ambulance Service and NHS Wiltshire on Saturday 30 October to promote Stroke Awareness in Malmesbury town centre. This activity formed part of the Area Board follow up to the Health Fair held earlier this year, after which the Area Board pledged to address three main health concerns, one of which was stroke. 


The aim of the day was to raise awareness about strokes so people could learn how to reduce their risk and recognise the symptoms. Since high blood pressure could put you at greater risk, staff from NHS Wiltshire & Great Western Ambulance Service took people’s blood pressure, which proved very popular. 


About 80 people had their blood pressure taken and were given lifestyle advice. Those people who had a high result were advised to see their GP. Anna spoke briefly about the role of the Stroke Association.


The Chairman then noted the written updates from partners included with the agenda pack and invited partners to add any further information if appropriate.


a) The written update from Wiltshire Police was circulated at the meeting, please find attached to minutes. Inspector Steve Cox commented that an increase in low level anti-social behaviour was often seen with the darker evenings, linked to persons congregating in public areas that were poorly lit. They were often doing nothing wrong; however their presence could give rise to a fear of crime. Inspector Cox was pleased to announce there had been very little anti-social behaviour in Malmesbury Community Area and no incidents were reported over Bonfire night and Halloween.


The written update showed that over a three month period, the Malmesbury Community Area had on average 93 incidents of anti-social behaviour. It was explained that from a Police Incident Log perspective, this figure included many incidents the average person would not consider to be anti-social behaviour, for example livestock on roads. Very few incidents related to abuse, alcohol or persons gathering in public areas.


Councillor Soden underlined that front line services would not be affected by the reported budget cuts. She also congratulated Inspector Cox and Wootton Bassett Police Station for their success at the Annual Jane’s Police Review Awards. The awards celebrated outstanding achievements in community policing and Wootton Bassett Police Station had been awarded the Special Recognition Award 2010. The police team at Wootton Bassett Police Station had faced a unique set of pressures and challenges with their work with the repatriations from RAF Lyneham, all of which had, as we have seen in the news, become sadly too frequent.


b) The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted. Michael Franklin apologised that the information provided was not as up to date as he would wish. He highlighted the need to ensure that chimneys for wood burning fires were swept every three months when in use. If you burn bituminous coal, the chimney should be cleaned at least twice a year, and at least once a year when burning smokeless coal. An annual clean was sufficient for oil and gas fires. A wide range of fire safety advice could be found on the Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service website -


c) The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted.


d) Peter Gilchriest went through the written update from Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership. Mark Allen had been appointed as the Project Officer and was taking control of the website which had been receiving good reviews. The ‘Transport for you’ event held on 8 September 2010 and the safety forum event held on 30 September 2010 had been very successful. The Petticoat Lane Stall had raised over £60 for charity. The next steering group meeting would take place on Monday 15 November at 7.00 pm in the Kings Arms in Malmesbury.

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