• If the petition applies to a
planning or
licensing application,
• is a statutory petition (for example requesting a referendum
on having an elected mayor),
• where there is already an existing right of appeal, such as
tax and
non-domestic rates.
However if the petition relates to the failure to deliver such a
service, these remain within the scope of the petition
In the period immediately before an election or referendum we may
need to deal with your petition differently – if this is the
case we will explain the reasons and discuss the revised timescale
which will apply. If a petition does not follow the guidelines set
out above, the council may decide not to do anything further with
it. In that case, we will write to you to explain the
These guidelines are not exhaustive and there may also be other
petitions which for one reason or another, it would be in
appropriate for a local authority to consider – a key example
is where the issue concerned is the subject of ongoing legal