How can I submit a Petition?

The council welcomes all petitions from anyone who lives, works, or studies in Wiltshire or who uses the services provided by the council. The council recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns.

All petitions sent or presented to the council will receive an acknowledgement from the council within 10 working days of receipt. This acknowledgement will set out what the council plan to do with the petition: our response to a petition will depend on what a petition asks for and how many people have signed it. The petition will also be published on our website.

Paper petitions can be sent or submitted to:
Democratic Services
Wiltshire Council
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

Or scan and send your petition to

• Submit a petition online at the ePetitions page.

• Online/electronic petitions hosted on other websites can be sent to