What issues can my Petition relate to?

Wiltshire Council’s petition scheme provides for the public to lodge a petition in relation to any function of the authority. Examples include:

• Local Facilities and Amenities
• Opening Hours
• Anti-Social Behaviour
• Schools and Healthcare

Local authorities have a key interest in issues which, although wider than their functions, affect the local area. In view of this Wiltshire Council will respond to petitions which relate to the economic, social or environmental well-being of the authority’s area where partner organisations or partner authorities are involved as well as petitions which relate to their own functions.

If your petition is about something over which the council has no direct control (for example the local railway or hospital) the council will consider making representations on behalf of the community to the relevant body. The council works with a large number of local partners and where possible will work with these partners to respond to your petition. See the Wiltshire Family of Partnerships page for more details on our partnership working arrangements.

If the council are not able to do this for any reason (for example if what the petition calls for conflicts with council policy), then they will set out the reasons for this by writing to you. If the petition is of a sufficient size to trigger a debate at a full Council meeting then a representative of the partner organisation will be invited to attend the meeting to assist with the debate.

There are some matters that are excluded from the petition provisions, usually where there are already well established procedures in place for communities to have their say, then other procedures apply, for example:

• If the petition applies to a planning or licensing application,
• is a statutory petition (for example requesting a referendum on having an elected mayor),
• where there is already an existing right of appeal, such as council tax and non-domestic rates.

However if the petition relates to the failure to deliver such a service, these remain within the scope of the petition provisions.

Further information is available at the What is not suitable for a Petition? page.