Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting Panel Bi-annual Report

Meeting: 15/05/2019 - Children's Select Committee (Item 39)

39 Corporate Parenting Panel Bi-annual Report

As part of the Children’s Select Committee’s statutory responsibilities it will receive a bi-annual update from the Corporate Parenting Panel.


A report by the Director, Families and Children’s Servicesis attached. The report provides an update to Children’s Select on the progress made against each of the seven strategic priorities of the Corporate Parenting Panel. At each Panel meeting one priority is a focus for the meeting and the lead Councillor for that priority will present an update.


The committee are provided the opportunity to ask questions regarding the update and asked to note the report from the Corporate Parenting Panel and include the draft full annual report in their forward work programme for September 2019.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Laura Mayes, Deborah Barlow and Matthew Davies presented a report on the progress made against the strategic priorities of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


Matters raised during the discussion included: the seven strategic priorities of the Corporate Parenting Panel; the format of Panel meetings and the Corporate Parenting Strategy.


In answer to a question from the committee it was noted that there were 25 Grand Mentors spread across the county and that 15 young people had been put forward for the scheme so far. 


It was noted that Councillors have a responsibility to know the profile of its care leavers and the Corporate Parenting Panel were looking at ways in which their profile can be raised. 


In response to an issue raised by the Chairman it was noted that the report did not include a core data set. The committee was reassured that data plays an important part in the thinking of the Panel and that future reports would include more detailed statistics. A key summary of this data and the minutes of the last meeting of the Corperate Parenting Panel are attached.


It was noted the Care Leaver Offer continues to be developed on a regular basis to ensure it does not remain static.


In response to a question from the committee it was noted that the Panel was working with businesses to see what they can provide for young people, for example in the form of apprenticeships.




1.    To note the Bi-annual Report of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


2.    To request that future reports from the Corporate Parenting Panel include relevant statistics and key performance indicators.


3.    For the Corporate Parenting Panel to receive the comments of the Children’s Select Committee on the report.