Agenda and minutes

Children's Select Committee - Tuesday 12 March 2024 11.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Max Hirst Email:  Democratic Services Officer


No. Item



To receive any apologies or substitutions for the meeting.


Apologies were received from:


Cllr Mike Sankey

Cllr Kelvin Nash

Cllr Bridget Wayman

Dr Mike Thompson

Cllr Mary Champion



Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To approve and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 January 2024.

Supporting documents:




To approve the minutes of previous meetings, held on 24 January 2024, as a true and correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chairman.


The committee was informed that the pre meeting briefing originally taking place before this meeting would be rescheduled for an online meeting.



Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.



If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named on the front of the agenda for any further clarification.



To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution.


Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the front of this agenda no later than 5pm on (4 clear working days, e.g. Wednesday of week before a Wednesday meeting) in order to be guaranteed of a written response. In order to receive a verbal response questions must be submitted no later than 5pm on (2 clear working days, eg Friday of week before a Wednesday meeting). Please contact the officer named on the front of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There was no public participation.



Canon's House

To consider the attached report on the findings of the full Ofsted inspection of Canons House Children’s Home carried out in November 2023.  The report outlines the progress that has been made to improve services following the two previous Ofsted inspections in February 2022 and June 2023.


Supporting documents:


The committee considered the attached report on the findings of the full Ofsted inspection of Canons House Children’s Home carried out in November 2023. The report was briefly introduced and outlined the progress made to improve services following the two previous Ofsted inspections in February 2022 and June 2023. The full report can be found in the agenda.





The committee commended the report and the effort made between the inspections of Canon’s House.


It was clarified that Councillors were still welcome to visit Canon’s House, however inspections had been commissioned to a service provider who provide regular visits across the country and could compare Canon’s House with similar providers.




To note the response to the Ofsted report.



Special Guardianship Orders

To consider the attached report, providing background information on Special Guardianship Orders (SGO), and an overview of SGOs granted between April and October 2023 (Quarter 1 and Quarter 2).


Supporting documents:


The committee considered the attached report, which provided background information on Special Guardianship Orders (SGO). This was specifically requested by the committee at its meeting on 21 September 2023.


  • A Special Guardianship Order has several potentially positive effects:


  • It gives a child the security of a long-term home.


  • The child's birth parents retain shared parental responsibility.


  • It gives the Special Guardian day-to-day control (jointly if there are several Special Guardians)


Unlike adoption, a Special Guardianship Order will not remove parental responsibility from the child's birth parents. This means that the Special Guardian would have responsibility for the day-to-day decisions as well as all the important decisions about the child or young person but would need to consult the birth parents at times where key decisions are being made such as changing their name, moving overseas or agreeing adoption.


Netty Lee briefly introduced the report, highlighting statistics within the report, and then welcomed questions.




As the debate opened, the following definitions were clarified for the committee:


Fostering – There are two different types of foster carers that can be approved, Local Authority and Family Members. Local Authority foster carers are approved and supported by the Council. Family members still require approval by the local authority, but it is recognised that they are relatives of the child.


Special Guardianship Orders – With SGOs, parental responsibility is given to the carer (without excluding birth parents), meaning assessments such as financial stability are carried out. There is a specific SGO support team to make assessments and support SGO carers.


Adoption – This is generally considered for children below the age of 8, where no family members have come forward that are considered suitable. It is considered a final step as children remaining within their families is preferred.


During the debate, it was clarified for the committee that private SGOs require 3 months’ notice to be given to the Council before applying in court and are still subject to assessment by the Council.


Regarding adoption, it was highlighted as a last resort due to the complete severance of parental responsibility from the birth parents. SGOs are considered beforehand as it is recognised that birth parents, whilst unable to provide long term care, can still remain in contact with their children and their lives. SGOs do not legally remove parental responsibility from the birth parents but gives the Special Guardian “overriding” parental responsibility.


It was clarified that statistics available from adoption and fostering for scrutiny by the committee were not available from SGOs as the Council’s involvement in that child ends when they are approved. Support is still offered by the local authority however the reduction in oversight from the Council is chosen by the family, approved by the local authority and endorsed by the court order. It would be considered inappropriate to continue involvement in light of this and statistics wouldn’t provide any learning opportunity for the Council given the nature of SGOs providing private family life.




To note the report




Education Performance Outcomes

To consider the attached reportwhich provides an overview of performance outcomes in assessments and/or examinations from ages 5 to 19 in the academic year 2022-2023.


Supporting documents:


The committee considered the attached report which provided an overview of performance outcomes in assessments and/or examinations from ages 5 to 19 in the academic year 2022-2023.


Kathryn Davis and Amanda Butler introduced and read through the report.




The committee raised the issue that there was no “trend” data. It was clarified that this had been sorted and would be in reports going forward. A separate update was offered to update the committee on trend data.

It was made clear that efforts were being made to support the schools struggling with KS2 maths.


It was recognised that there are challenges with recruitment and retention nationally within education.


It was clarified that most primary schools were meeting expected standards in Year 6 and therefore secondary schools were not needing to “catch-up” students in Year 7.


It was clarified that the Wiltshire Learning Alliance does bring together schools to share learning and this does include Academies. There had been challenges with some schools both in standard and willingness to engage, however the WLA were fully aware of these schools.


The committee discussed what parents and local groups could do to engage children in subjects such as maths with the support of the Council.




To note the report


To set up a rapid scrutiny to understand in more depth the Year 6 performance figures, trends and outliers


To receive a further report on trend details


To receive an update report on the Wiltshire Learning Alliance


Business Plan Update

To consider the attached report outlining progress made between May 2023 and January 2024 on the activities for Families and Children and Education and Skills services as stated in the Council Business Plan.


Supporting documents:


The committee considered the attached report outlining progress made between May 2023 and January 2024 on the activities for Families and Children and Education and Skills services as stated in the Council Business Plan.


Jen Salter and Kathryn Davis introduced and summarised the report.




It was clarified that the report was not an exhaustive list of everything being delivered by Families and Children and Education and Skills services but the main priorities.


It was clarified that the assessment tool for homeless 16 & 17-year-olds in Wiltshire had been refreshed, following feedback from external sources.


It was clarified that significant assessment on the skills and knowledge of commissioned organisations’ workforces is carried out in the tendering process where bidders must provide evidence to demonstrate their suitability.


It was clarified that the Affordable Schools Strategy was already receiving strong and positive engagement from schools’ leaders and families, even if it hasn’t yet translated into performance outcomes.


It was clarified that 63 schools currently had accreditation as “Healthy Schools” as part of the programme and more in line to receive that accreditation in the near future.




To note the update


To receive a briefing on the work of Family Health practitioners


Regular updates

Updates on information valuable for the committee, but unlikely to require a decision. 


Members of the committee are therefore invited to indicate in advance of the meeting if they would like further information or have questions on these regular updates, so that relevant officers can be invited to attend the meeting.


Update from Wiltshire Youth Voice Representative

An update including a summary of recent activities of the Wiltshire Youth Union (WYU) and Children in Care Council (CiCC).

Supporting documents:


The committee commended the report and the progress made in participation and awareness of Wiltshire Youth Voice.


The written report was noted.



School Ofsted Judgements

There will be no update on this item as there have been no further School Ofsted judgements since those presented to the committee on 24 January 2024.


There was no update on this item as there had been no further School Ofsted judgements since those presented to the committee on 24 January 2024.



DfE Changes - Update from Department for Education

An update on developments relating to children’s services arising from the Department for Education.

Supporting documents:


An update on developments relating to children’s services arising from the Department for Education.


The written report was noted.



Working together to improve school attendance

The DfE published new non-statutory guidance in May 2022 to help schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities maintain high levels of school attendance. The guidance applies from September 2022.


This regular update is an opportunity for the committee to be aware of the latest requirements, as set out in the guidance.

Supporting documents:


The DfE published new non-statutory guidance in May 2022 to help schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities maintain high levels of school attendance. The guidance applied from September 2022.
This regular update was an opportunity for the committee to be aware of the latest requirements, as set out in the guidance.


The written report was noted.



Schools Forum

To receive a very brief update highlighting key items from the last meeting of Schools Forum, to enable the Children’s Select Committee to be informed in a timely manner of the work undertaken by the Schools Forum through the year.

Full agendas and minutes for the Schools Forum can be accessed here  Schools Forum | Wiltshire Council

Supporting documents:


The committee received a very brief update highlighting key items from the last meeting of Schools Forum, to enable the Children’s Select Committee to be informed in a timely manner of the work undertaken by the Schools Forum through the year.

Full agendas and minutes for the Schools Forum can be accessed here Schools Forum | Wiltshire Council


The written update was noted.



Corporate Parenting Panel

To receive a very brief update highlighting key items from the last meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel, to enable the Children’s Select Committee members, as Corporate Parents, to be informed in a timely manner of the work undertaken by the Corporate Parenting Panel through the year.

Supporting documents:


The committee received a very brief update highlighting key items from the last meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel, to enable the Children’s Select Committee members, as Corporate Parents, to be informed in a timely manner of the work undertaken by the Corporate Parenting Panel through the year.


The written update was noted.



Safety Valve update

To receive regular updates from officers on the development of the Safety Valve project, as well as input from the overview and scrutiny representative.

Supporting documents:


As agreed by the committee at its extraordinary meeting on 7 December 2023, the committee received a regular update from officers on the development of the Safety Valve project, as well as input from the overview and scrutiny representative.


There was no significant update to be made due to current confidentiality, however it was made clear that progress had been made in line with what was expected.


The committee wanted to make clear its appreciation of all the hard work that had been put in so far by officers.


The written report was noted.



Directors' update

To receive a verbal update from Directors highlighting any key issues (current or emerging), successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which may not require a full agenda item and are not covered elsewhere on this agenda.

This is also an opportunity for matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.


The committee received a verbal update from Directors highlighting any key issues (current or emerging), successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which did not require a full agenda item and was not covered elsewhere in the meeting.


Jen Salter, Director of Families and Children, stated that the Youth Justice inspection had been completed and its findings would be shared when the report was received. It was also noted that Wiltshire Council’s application for Families First wave 2 funding had not been successful.


Kathryn Davis, Interim Director of Education and Skills, stated that there had been changes to the DfE attendance guidance, which would come into effect in August 2024. Work would be carried out within the team to prepare for these changes and support schools. There was also news that Wiltshire Council had been successful in its application to open a new Alternative Provision Free School.


Lucy Townsend, Corporate Director of People, stated that Wiltshire Council will remain a partner of the DfE in SEND education.



Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holders' update

To receive a verbal update from the Cabinet Member and / or Portfolio Holders highlighting any news, successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which may not require a full agenda item and are not covered elsewhere on this agenda.

This is also an opportunity for matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.


The committee received a verbal update from the Cabinet Member and / or Portfolio Holders highlighting any news, successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which did not require a full agenda item and was not covered elsewhere in the meeting.


Cllr Laura Mayes updated that the Annual Social Care Conference had taken place in Devizes and was a success for all social workers. The DfE had also made a visit to understand Wiltshire Council’s work as an outstanding authority.


Cllr Suzanne Wickham updated the committee on two new visits she had made to AP Schools and the success children were having during sessions.



Chair's update

To receive a verbal update from the chair on any work undertaken or news since the last meeting that would not require a full agenda item and would not be suitable under Chairman’s Announcements (where no debate is allowed).

This is also an opportunity for matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.


The committee received a verbal update from the chair on any work undertaken or news since the last meeting that did not require a full agenda item and was not suitable under Chairman’s Announcements (where no debate is allowed).


There was no significant update from the chair.



Overview and Scrutiny Activities Updates

The committee will receive updates from active Task Groups, Rapid Scrutiny exercises and the committee’s board representatives.


A report by the Senior Scrutiny Officers providing an update on Task Group activity since the last meeting is attached.


The committee received updates from active Task Groups, Rapid Scrutiny exercises and the committee’s board representatives. A report by the Senior Scrutiny Officers which provided an update on Task Group activity since the last meeting is attached.


There has been no task group activity since the last committee meeting.



Forward Work Programme

The Committee is asked to note the attached documents showing the relevant items from the overview and scrutiny forward work programme and the latest version of the strategy list for the Children, Education and Skills directorate.

Supporting documents:


The committee was asked to note the attached documents showing the relevant
items from the overview and scrutiny forward work programme.


The Forward Work Programme was noted.



Date of Next Meeting

To note that the next scheduled meeting is due to be held on Tuesday [XXX]        at County Hall, Trowbridge, starting at 10.30am.


The next meeting of Children’s Select Committee is on 6 June 2024.



Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.






(Duration of meeting:  11.00am – 13.30pm)


The Officer who has produced these minutes is Max Hirst of Democratic Services, direct line 01225718215, e-mail


Press enquiries to Communications, direct line 01225 713114 or email