Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 24 July 2024 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Steve Bucknell, Kevin Daley, Laura Mayes, Charles McGrath, Dominic Muns, Kelvin Nash, Paul Oatway QPM, Andrew Oliver, Ashley O’Neill, Antonio Piazza, Mike Sankey, Tim Trimble, and Derek Walters.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve as a true and correct record and sign the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 21 May 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2024 were presented for consideration.


Subject to a minor amendment to include the prefix ‘Cllr’ for all appointees to the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Authority in resolution Q of Minute 32, it was,




That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2024 be approved and signed as a true and correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee or Monitoring Officer.



In relation to Minute 51 - Notice of Motion 2024-04: Housing Associations - there were the following declarations of disclosable interest.


Cllr Adrian Foster declared a Non-Registerable Interest by virtue of his wife being a trustee of the White Horse Housing Association. He stated he would not participate in the debate. Cllr Foster voted on the application following its amendment to refer to specific housing associations, which did not include White Horse, meaning the interest was no longer directly relevant.


Cllr Ross Henning declared an Other Registerable Interest by virtue of holding shares in Green Square Accord. He declared he would not speak or vote on the item.


Cllr Philip Whitehead declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest by virtue of being a non-executive Director for Selwood Housing. Cllr Whitehead left the room for the debate on the item, but returned once the motion was amended to refer to specific housing associations, which did not include Selwood Housing, as the interest was no longer directly relevant to the motion. Accordingly, he participated in debate and voted on the item.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chairman.


The Chairman made the following announcements.


a)    Members of Parliament

It was noted that at the General Election on 4 July 2024 Cllrs Sarah Gibson and Dr Brian Mathew were elected as Members of Parliament.


Cllr Gibson is the Unitary Member for the Bradford-on-Avon South Division and was elected to represent the Chippenham Constituency. Cllr Mathew is the Unitary Member for the Box & Colerne Division and was elected to represent the Melksham and Devizes Constituency.


On behalf of the Council the Chairman offered congratulations to Cllrs Gibson and Mathew on their success.


b)    Chairman’s Engagements

A list of recent engagements attended by the Chairman from May 2024 were detailed as set out below:


·         19 June 2024 - Armed Forces Day, with flag raising ceremony and signing of Armed Forces Covenant, at Chippenham Town Council.

·         7 July 2024 - Fovant Badges Drumhead Service, East Farm, Fovant.

·         11 July 2024 - Royal visit by HM Queen Camilla to Lacock C.E. (VC) Primary School to mark its 200th anniversary. Lacock 

·         18 July 2024 - Wiltshire Scout Council AGM and celebration of Wiltshire Scouting. Potterne Wick, Devizes.


A list of recent engagements attended by the Vice-Chairman from May 2024 were detailed as set out below:


·         22 May 2024 - Chippenham Town Council Mayor’s Investiture. 

·         30 May 2024 - Funeral and service of thanksgiving for John Bush CVO OBE KstJ, Edington Priory Church, Edington.


c)    King’s Birthday Honours

The Chairman noted that the following Wiltshire and Swindon residents were honoured in His Majesty The King’s Birthday Honours:



Stephen Hicks, Edington                                                   

Brian Kingham, Marlborough                                                                                  

Prof. Ian White, Rudloe     

David Wright, Marshfield



Dr Olivia Chapple, Bishopstone

Prof. Anthony Fooks, Salisbury



Beverly Clarke, Swindon     

Simon Dunn, Trowbridge                 

Alicia Hempleman-Adams, Holt    

David McNulty, Bradford on Avon             .

Hassan Pillai, Bradford on Avon       

Peter Thompson, Barford St Martin         



Carole Bush, Winsley          

Janice Moore, Corsley Heath


d)    Staff Announcements

The Chairman noted that as set out at item 8 of the agenda the Council would be asked to appoint a new Chief Executive following the current Chief Executive, Mr Terence Herbert, taking up a position with Surrey County Council later in the summer.


As noted at the last meeting the Chairman stated Mr Herbert joined Wiltshire Council in 2011, holding a variety of positions relating to Children’s Services, and that under his tenure the service went from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Outstanding’. The Chairman also noted that Mr Herbert was the first sole Chief Executive the council had appointed since 2012, assuming that responsibility during the very challenging aftermath of the council’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Chaiman placed on record her thanks and best wishes to Mr Herbert on behalf of the Council as he moved on from Wiltshire Council.




Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.



If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to register to speak earlier.


Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Statements must be relevant to the agenda item.



To receive any questions from members of the public received in accordance with the constitution. No person or organisation may submit more than two questions to the meeting. No question may be sub-divided into more than two related parts.


Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Proper Officer) no later than 5pm on Wednesday 17 July 2024in order to be guaranteed of a written response. Questions submitted no later than 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024 may receive a verbal response. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.



The Chairman explained the procedure that would be followed for public participation at the meeting in accordance with the constitution.


Details of eight questions submitted from Members of the Public were set out in Agenda Supplement 2.


It was outlined that the submitted questions would be received under the relevant agenda item.





To receive an update on any petitions received by the council since the last meeting.

Supporting documents:


On receipt of the petitions report, it was,




That Council note the update on petitions.




Annual Report of the Corporate Parenting Panel

To receive the annual report of the Corporate Parenting Panel.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited Cllr Peter Hutton, Portfolio Holder for Safeguarding and Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Panel, to introduce the annual report of the Corporate Parenting Panel. Cllr Hutton moved the recommendations set out in the report, which was seconded by Cllr Mel Jacob.


Cllr Hutton thanked Panel members, officers, key strategic partners, and in particular young people who had input, and detailed the priorities which had been agreed to deliver for young people. Challenges were highlighted, including ensuring sufficient placements close to a young person’s home. Cllr Hutton explained how the Panel would work with the Children’s Select Committee to improve scrutiny of the relevant services. He also reminded the meeting that all 98 Members were corporate parents for the children and young people in the council’s care.


Joeanne Londors, a Wiltshire Foster Carer, then addressed the meeting on her experiences in particular as a single foster carer.


Group Leaders were then given the opportunity to comment.


Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, welcomed the report on the activity which was taking place, and noted the recent positive Ofsted inspection of the service. He stated outcomes for looked after children in Wiltshire was better than the national average, but the goal needed to be to ensure those outcomes were the same as other children and the council needed to work to achieve this.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, stated the annual report was uplifting and positive. He paid tribute to the Members and Officers providing support, as well as the many foster parents, and agreed with the Leader much still remained to achieve.


Cllr Ernie Clark, Leader of the Independent Group, added his thanks to all those involved with supporting the council’s looked after children. Cllr Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, highlighted the incredible work of foster carers, noting the long-term dedication the role required.


The item was then opened up to general debate. Tributes were made to the work of foster carers and the officers providing support to looked after children, such as the Child and Youth Voice team. Whilst positive action was being taken it was emphasised further support needed to be made to deliver the council’s ambitions for the children and young people in its care. It was noted that there was a council policy on interview guarantees for care experienced young people who met essential criteria for council positions, but that only a very limited number were then appointed, and whether this could be approved. The importance of ensuring the voices of young people were heard across the council in multiple areas was noted.


At the conclusion of debate Cllr Hutton welcomed the comments made. He stated it was important the council listened to young people, and that it worked with partners for opportunities including employment, but that the council should lead the way with such efforts.


It was then,




That Full Council:


1)    Receive and note the Annual Report and the work of the Corporate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.



Appointment of Chief Executive

To appoint a new Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Chairman of the Officer Appointments Committee, to introduce the report and recommendation. Cllr Clewer moved the motion, seconded by Cllr Andrew Davis.


Cllr Clewer detailed the lengthy and comprehensive formal process which had taken place for the recruitment of a new Chief Executive. It was explained there had been four excellent candidates at the final interview stage, and that after careful deliberation they had concluded Lucy Townsend should be appointed. He thanked partners and stakeholders who had taken part in several of the stages ahead of the formal interviews by the Officer Appointments Committee.


Cllr Clewer also expressed thanks to Terence Herbert for his years as Chief Executive starting during the Covid-19 pandemic. He stated Wiltshire Council was going against the trend of local government in many areas, in part due to Mr Herbert’s corporate leadership.


Other Group Leaders were then given the opportunity to comment.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, congratulated Ms Townsend on her appointment, noting her critical role in the council for many years most recently as Corporate Director, People, and was confident she had the opportunity to be an enormous success. He praised the appointments process as robust and offered his thanks to Mr Herbert for his performance in a very challenging period as Chief Executive.


Cllr Ernie Clark, Leader of the Independent Group, congratulated Ms Townsend and looked forward to working more closely with her and gave his own thanks to Mr Herbert for his years of service to Wiltshire Council.


Cllr Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, wished Ms Townsend well with the challenges ahead and offered his support and congratulations. He gave thanks to Mr Herbert for his service to Wiltshire Council and its residents and wished him well in the future. Cllr Rogers also took the opportunity to pay tribute to Mike Osment, who had served the county for 37 years as a social worker in youth justice and offending.


The item was then opened to general debate. Comments were made about Ms Townsend’s work in children’s services and how the service had recently been rated as Outstanding by Ofsted, her positive engagement with overview and scrutiny of the services in her remit, and record of delivery. Tributes were paid to Mr Herbert as outgoing Chief Executive, his leadership, and his support to the council.


At the conclusion of debate Cllr Clewer noted he would miss Mr Herbert’s dry sense of humour and looked forward to working with Ms Townsend even more in the future.


It was then,




That Full Council:


1)    Appoint Lucy Townsend as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service of Wiltshire Council.


2)    Designate Lucy Townsend as the Returning Officer (RO) and Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) for Wiltshire Council.





Treasury Management Outturn Report 2023-24

To receive a report from the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, and S.151 Officer.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management, and Strategic Planning, to introduce the report and recommendation.


Cllr Botterill noted the projected underspend set out in the report, and that the high needs reserve would be increased due to the pressures on SEND being one of the major financial risks for the council. It was emphasised that the remaining projected underspend would be directed to other priorities, with a further £5m allocated for Highways, bringing the additional highways funding to over £20m.


It was also stated that the council was in control of its finances due to clarity of purpose from the administration, a clear business plan to deliver on priorities including investment in transformative and preventative actions. Attention was also drawn to improvements in capital budget forecasting and prudent financial management to reduce the cost of borrowing.


Cllr Botterill moved that the report be noted, which was seconded by Cllr Richard Clewer.


Group Leaders were then given the opportunity to comment.


Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, highlighted the importance of prudent financial management to enable long term financial health, lower borrowing costs, and permit additional needed investments. He noted many councils were experiencing budgetary difficulties, in part due to poor treasury management.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, welcomed the report, though also suggested revenue and capital outturns could also be received at Council as well as Cabinet. He supported praise for the council’s officers and the positive treasury management which had taken place, and welcomed increased investment in highways, noting the group had raised the problem particularly with potholes previously.


Cllr Ernie Clark, Leader of the Independent Group, added his thanks to officers for their treasury management work.


Cllr Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, welcomed the report particularly in the economic climate many councils were facing. He hoped that there was capacity to take on the additional highways works funding would permit.


The item was then opened to wider debate. In addition to the recommendation Members raised points relating to general financial management, revenue, and capital outturns.


Comments were made praising the budgetary underspend and associated increased investment in highways, with details provided of the number of projects which could be advanced and the work which would be undertaken on C and unclassified roads. However, there were also comments on the current state of the roads and how it had developed to that point, whether funding could also go towards reducing backlogs with local highways projects, the need for additional investment in youth services, and other priorities for the council such as cultural support.


There were also comments on loans from the Public Works Loan Board, the opportunities taken to borrow at low interest rates, the council’s stable financial position, and high engagement with scrutiny and clear reporting.


At the conclusion of debate Cllr Botterill responded to comments made, including that some of the underspend was due to one off factors, that the council was spending additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Treasury Management Outturn Report 2023-24 Motion

That Full Council note that the contents of the report are in line with the Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24.

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    Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document

    To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place.

    Supporting documents:


    The Chairman invited Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management, and Strategic Planning, to introduce the report and recommendation.


    Cllr Botterill stated that it was intended to progress the Draft Gypsy and Traveller DPD alongside the Local Plan review, and if approved after consultation would be considered by inspectors in 2025. The Plan would bring the provision of pitches and other sites into a more controlled state, with professionally assessed demand and consideration of appropriate sites, where possible through expansion of existing sites. He stated the consultation would enable local people to raise material concerns with any proposed or expanded sites, including raising any errors or omissions in the information. All responses would be carefully considered.


    Cllr Botterill moved that the Draft Plan be approved for publication and consultation as set out in the report, which was seconded by Cllr Richard Clewer.


    A number of public questions have been received relating to the item, with written responses detailed in the agenda supplements.


    Geoff Minsell asked a supplementary question to question P24-16, asking if changes could be made to the Plan in response to the consultation comments and findings. Cllr Botterill confirmed changes could be made if the consultation response justified this, though he could not predict in advance where changes might be made.


    Geoff Minsell asked a supplementary question to question P24-17 asking how the council would carry out necessary ecological, engineering surveys and impact assessments on the settled community. Cllr Botterill the planning process would assess such details, as it could be possible a site was deemed appropriate in the plan but the practicalities were not then addressed.


    Caroline Minsell asked a supplementary question to question P24-18 asking for details of surveys and tools used to determine selection of sites and if this information would be available. Cllr Botterill stated the details would be available as part of the consultation.


    Caroline Minsell asked a supplementary question to question P24-19 asking for details of consultation with parish councils on inclusion of sites around Lea and Cleverton and Somerford. Cllr Botterill confirmed parish councils were notified at earlier stages, though not all will have responded, and all would be able to respond further to the consultation and all responses would be available for the public to see.


    Haydn Reynolds asked a supplementary question to question P24-20 asking for whether the council intended to buy any sites proposed within the plan, and if there had been discussion with landowners. Cllr Botterill stated all but two of the sites proposed were already owned by Wiltshire Council, with those two identified through standard procedures following the council seeking information about site interest.


    Jeanne Reynolds asked a supplementary question to question P24-21 asking about enforcement notices active for a site which is included in the Plan. Cllr Botterill stated that Plan was about site allocation for pitches, whereas enforcement was a separate matter.


    Kit Beazely asked a supplementary question to question P24-23 asking whether the council had a separate obligation to provide for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document Motion

    1)    That the Gypsies and Travellers Plan - Pre-submission Draft Development Plan Document at Appendix 1 (subject to modification in (2) be approved for publication in line with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended), for a period of at least six weeks public consultation.


    2)    To authorise the Director for Planning in consultation with the Director for Legal and Governance and Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning: to make any necessary minor changes to the Pre-submission Draft Development Plan Document before it is published; to finalise the associated evidence documents for publication alongside the Plan; and to make arrangement for and undertake statutory consultation.

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    Wiltshire Cultural Strategy

    To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place.

    Supporting documents:


    The Chairman invited Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, to introduce the report and recommendation. It was explained the strategy would sit alongside the public arts policy, and was intended to act as a framework for the county and supportive of the wide array of cultural activities and organisations. The strategy was designed to be sustainable and facilitate actions, rather than having an extensive budget allocation, though it was stated that Wiltshire was continuing to support arts and culture, unlike many other authorities, due to their weaker financial positions.


    Cllr Clewer moved that the strategy be adopted, confirmed as a policy framework item, and to authorise the Leader to make changes if appropriate in response to comments made by the Environment Select Committee. This was seconded by Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling.


    Other Group Leaders were then given the opportunity to comment.


    Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, agreed with the Leader that cultural activity was very important, and expressed support for the commitment of the council to cultural activities. However, he stated he could not support the strategy as it currently stood. He also raised criticisms of the Wiltshire Towns App in relation to Calne.


    Cllr Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, supported the strategy, and also raised the ongoing issue of Salisbury City Hall and ongoing efforts to enable it to operate once again as an entertainment venue.


    The item was then opened to wider debate.


    Comments in support of the motion included that the strategy was a positive documentation of the cultural situation in Wiltshire, that the purpose of the document was not to fund specifics but act as an enabling framework for voluntary and other organisations, and asking where specific funding would be taken from if that was proposed, welcomed provision of officers to support the strategy, and noting the outcome of the scrutiny meeting which had discussed the strategy.


    Comments in opposition to the motion included that the strategy lacked tangible deliverables or a dedicated budget, did not specifically reference young people sufficiently, and that without additional funding the strategy would be ineffective


    Other comments included raising the ongoing work related to Salisbury City Hall and a proposed cultural quarter for Salisbury, how Area Boards and communities could engage with arts and culture, and potential of S.106 agreement funding.


    At the conclusion of debate Cllr Clewer responded to comments made, stating the strategy would help develop a long-term model to support culture, that the council was investing significant funding in various ways, and that City Hall, Salisbury needed to be sustainable in the long term without being reliant on public funding.


    It was then,




    That Council


    1)    Adopt the Cultural Strategy.


    2)    Include the Cultural Strategy at Part 3B Paragraph 1.2 of the Constitution as a Policy Framework item.


    3)    Delegate authority to the Leader to make a decision to, if appropriate, amend the strategy in response to the resolutions of Environment Select Committee on 18 July 2024.


    In accordance with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Wiltshire Cultural Strategy Motion

    That Council


    1)    Adopt the Cultural Strategy.


    2)    Include the Cultural Strategy at Part 3B Paragraph 1.2 of the Constitution as a Policy Framework item.


    3)    Delegate authority to the Leader to make a decision to, if appropriate, amend the strategy in response to the resolutions of Environment Select Committee on 18 July 2024.


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    Notice of Motion No.2024-04 - Housing Associations

    To consider the attached motion.

    Supporting documents:


    On invitation of the Chairman Cllr Nick Botterill proposed the motion as set out in the Summons, which was seconded by Cllr Allison Bucknell.


    Cllr Botterill stated he was used to working with housing associations in a cooperative way, noting the homes built and occupied had a social purpose. He had received many communications identifying unacceptable communications and actions from some associations, and he had felt it necessary and appropriate to bring the matter to Full Council to bring the issue to light and express the council’s dissatisfaction with some of the performance they had seen.


    Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, endorsed the motion, speaking about the council’s own actions to deliver high quality housing, and the reliance on housing associations to support many residents in Wiltshire, to invest in their stock, and deliver on their social purpose. He accepted some stock would need to be sold, but that even with financial challenges scaling back from villages was causing challenges for many communities.


    A statement was then received from Cllr Lisa Farrell, Marlborough Town Council, in support of the motion, stating she was concerned some associations were putting profit before other considerations.


    The Chairman moved that the Council debate the motion, which was seconded by the Vice-Chairman.


    Group Leaders were then invited to comment on the motion.


    Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, noted there were some good housing associations, but that others were too focused on behind simply developers. He spoke of the importance of social rent housing in villages throughout Wiltshire, and that the issue of poor provision needed to be raised with MPs and at national level.


    Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, agreed action needed to be taken on the issue but suggested the motion’s wording could be more focused on specific housing associations rather than imply all acted in the same manner.


    Cllr Ernie Clark, Leader of the Independent Group, stated many Members had problems with Green Square Accord in their Divisions, and supported the motion though considered the wording could be adjusted slightly.


    Cllr Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, supported the motion, also noting that fortunately Salisbury District Council had not sold off its housing stock.


    The Chairman then opened the item for general debate.


    During debate Cllr Gavin Grant proposed additional wording to the motion as follows.


    This Council expects Housing Associations which own homes in Wiltshire to be putting their social purpose first and foremost, as is the case with those homes owned by Wiltshire Council. There is a desperate need for social and affordable properties for rent in Wiltshire and we are concerned by the recent reports of future property sales, poor maintenance, and excessive charges by GreenSquare Accord as well as a number of cases where Aster tenants have been removed from their homes so that demolition can take place before properties are rebuilt for sale on the open market.


    Selling social and affordable homes in our towns and villages will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Notice of Motion No.2024-04 - Housing Associations Motion

    This Council expects Housing Associations which own homes in Wiltshire to be putting their social purpose first and foremost, as is the case with those homes owned by Wiltshire Council. There is a desperate need for social and affordable properties for rent in Wiltshire and we are concerned by the recent reports of future property sales, poor maintenance, and excessive charges by Green Square Accord as well as a number of cases where Aster tenants have been removed from their homes so that demolition can take place before properties are rebuilt for sale on the open market.


    Selling social and affordable homes in our towns and villages will undermine the social fabric of the area. We therefore call on these Housing Associations to invest in their older stock in Wiltshire and not be disposing of it on the housing market in the anticipation of buying cheaper replacements in our towns or in other local authority areas.


    We request the Leader of the Council write to all relevant Housing Associations in Wiltshire. Should no acceptable response be received, to write to the Secretary of State, all six Wiltshire MPs, and the Social Housing Regulator setting out this motion.


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    Proposed Changes to the Constitution

    To consider a report from the Monitoring Officer on recommendations from the Standards Committee.


    Supporting documents:


    Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, introduced the report on proposed changes to the constitution. The changes had been considered and proposed by the Constitution Focus Group and Standards Committee, and related to Part 10 - Contract and Procurement Rules - and Protocol 11 - Arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints. The motion to approve the changes was seconded by Cllr Richard Britton.


    No comments being received from Group Leaders or in debate, it was then,




    That Council approve the following updated sections of the Constitution:


    1)    Part 10 - Contract and Procurement Rules

    2)    Protocol 11 - Arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints.


    In accordance with the Constitution there was a recorded vote.


    Votes for the motion (48)

    Votes against the motion (0)

    Votes in abstention (0)


    Details of the recorded vote are attached to these minutes.


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Proposed Changes to the Constitution Motion

    That Council approve the following updated sections of the Constitution:


    1)    Part 10 - Contract and Procurement Rules

    2)    Protocol 11 - Arrangements for dealing with Code of Conduct Complaints.



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    Announcements from Cabinet and Committees

    To receive any other appropriate announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members, or Chairmen of Committees.


    It was noted that the date of Full Council in October 2024 had been changed from 22 October 2024 to 15 October 2024.



    Membership of Committees

    To determine any requests from Group Leaders for changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups previously approved by the Council.


    To consider any requests from Members in respect of S.85 of the Local Government Act 1972.


    On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, and following input from group leaders on proposed changes to membership of committees, it was,




    To make the following changes to Committees:


    ·         That Cllr Pip Ridout be removed as a Member of the Standards Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Christopher Newbury be added as a Member of the Standards Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Bridget Wayman be added as a Substitute for the Health Select Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Dominic Muns be added as a Substitute for the Corporate Parenting Panel.

    ·         That Cllr Sarah Gibson MP be removed as a Member of the Strategic Planning Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Stewart Palmen be added as a Member of the Strategic Planning Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Dr Brian Mathew MP be removed as a Member of the Northern Area Planning Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Clare Cape be added as a Member of the Northern Area Planning Committee.

    ·         That Cllr Dr Brian Mathew MP be removed as a Member of the Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel.

    ·         That Cllr Ian Thorn be added as a Member of the Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel.



    Questions from Members of the Council

    Members were required to give notice of any questions in writing to the Proper Officer on the first page of this agenda no later than 5pm nine clear working days before the meeting in order to be guaranteed a written response.


    Any question received after 5pm on Wednesday 10 July 2024 and no later than 5pm four clear working days before the meeting – Wednesday 17 July 2024, may only receive a verbal response at the meeting. Any questions received after this date will be received at the next meeting.


    Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman determines the matter is urgent.


    Details of any questions received will be circulated to Members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.



    No questions within scope of the constitution were received for the meeting.



    Members’ Attendance

    Recorded Votes

    Supporting documents: