Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 7 March 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury.SP1 3NR

Contact: Lisa Alexander  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2023.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last meeting were presented.


It was;




The minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.


Salisbury City Hall


“This Area Board supports the work of the established“Friends of Salisbury City Hall Group” and requests that the Leader of Wiltshire Council keeps the group updated along with all relevant stakeholders regarding the appointment of any new organisation to Re-launch, Run and take our City Hall forward as an Entertainment Venue”




The Chairman explained that City Hall remained a regular update item on the agenda and drew attention to a press release made by the Leader of the Council in relation to City Hall.


Anne Trevett gave an update from the Friends of City Hall Group, which was working in a positive manner to support the move of the council to open City Hall as an entertainment venue. The group believed there were other aspects of city hall that would also need to be considered for the community. The Group included local knowledgeable people who would continue to be involved with the project as it developed.


The Chairman moved the Motion as set out in the agenda. It was then seconded by Cllr Paul Sample.


The Salisbury Area Board then voted on the motion. It was,




That Salisbury Area Board supports the work of the established “Friends of Salisbury City Hall Group” and requests that the Leader of Wiltshire Council keeps the group updated along with all relevant stakeholders regarding the appointment of any new organisation to Re-launch, Run and take our City Hall forward as an Entertainment Venue.




·       How much of the essential repair work had been done in the last year from the original work listed?

·       How would the lease be overseen? Would the appointed organisation or group be supported by the council, and what if not enough profit was made, would we back to stage one?

·       Would the council provide any subsidy – as it is a city facility?


The Chairman noted that as he understood it, City Hall would be back to stage one, but the Board would request a formal response to the questions and feedback.



Information items

The Board is asked to note the following Information items:


·       City Hall Update

·       Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·       Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   Local Nature Recovery Strategy – Public Engagement

o   Culture Strategy

o   Best Kept Village Competition



Supporting documents:


The Board noted the Information Items as set out in the agenda pack, these were:


·       City Hall Update

·       Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·       Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   Local Nature Recovery Strategy – Public Engagement

o   Culture Strategy

o   Best Kept Village Competition




Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Underpasses working group update – Cllr Sven Hocking

·       Air Quality Group – Cllr Sven Hocking


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman


Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·        Neighbourhood Policing Team & Road Safety Update

·        Fire & Rescue – DWFRS Service Update December 2023 

·       Salisbury BID – website link

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Cllr Sven Hocking noted that he would update on the Underpasses Working Group and the Air Quality Group under Area Board Priorities update item.


Street Lights

Michelle Smith of Salisbury Soroptimists gave an update on the Street Audit work which began 2 years ago. A lot of the LED conversion work identified as part of the previous year’s list had now been completed.

The smaller audit carried out this year was impacted by high rivers, however it was reported that the number of lights in need of attention was much reduced. A concern of the group which remained was the issue of dark areas. A report had been submitted to Atkins for progress, however a year on and a response had not been received.


After discussion, it was;




That Salisbury Area Board would require a report from Atkins on the Dark Areas identified by the Salisbury Soroptimists, to be made available at the next meeting to enable a discussion about the findings.


Co Wheels, Car Share Club – Margaret Wilmott

An initiative called Co Wheels would be launching in Salisbury on Friday 8 March 2024.


Car club members would be able to book any of the cars on the online booking system or by phone. Insurance was included, with bookings for as little as 30 mins to days at a time.


Margaret advised that there would be a promotional offer for a short time where membership was free.


For further details, visit the website: Salisbury | Co Wheels (




Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Community Safety Plan Consultation

A presentation from Chris Wood, Station Manager on the DWFR Community Safety Plan.


The Board viewed a video promoting the work of the Fire Service,  and the DWFR Community Safety Plan Consultation, presented by Jim Weston, Group Manager DWFS.


The service provided support to communities, strategies and the priority areas of work.


The plan was out for public consultation, people were urged to submit feedback.


You can access the plan and complete the feedback form by following the link:

or by using the QR code below.


A qr code with circles and dots Description automatically generated




Cllr Sven Hocking stated that following the recent flooding incident which occurred on 6/7 July, as Flood Coordinator he had attended the flood site at Ashley Road with Cllr Charleston and that both members had felt that there had been a lack of enthusiasm from other local partners, including the Police and Fire, to help.


Following the incident, he would be pulling a flood plan together, so that in future, when a call was received about a flood, there was a list of steps to be taken to achieve a more joined up approach in delivering assistance.


Jim Weston confirmed that the Fire Service would be open to engagement and working with members on the flood plan. He highlighted that there was a process which had to be followed for assessing incidents in terms of risk to life, and establishing whether a flood was a rising tide event or something impacting people immediately. Currently Fire Officers were required to look at a situation and to monitor it. Call handling was very stringent around where resources were deployed.


On the evening the fire control took approximately 60 calls relating to incidents over the evening, of those in Salisbury, for the Ashley Road area there were 11 flood type incidents called in, none reported any water entering premises that evening. Unless it is entering properties Officer’s would not attend to evacuate but would act if thresholds were reached. Jim offered the use of a premises to co-locate during flood plan action work, noting that the Fire Service di not hold any sandbags, as that was a provision available through the local authority.


Cllr Hocking disputed the data and stated that there were at least 8 properties where water entered.


Feedback from the police indicated that the first call relating to flooding was received on 7 February and that there was no risk to life.




National Highways A360 Closure

A presentation from National Highways on the planned A360 for a prolonged period as part of the A303 Stonehenge tunnel project.





Adrian Khan Senior Project Manager for National Highways on the Stonehenge Project Team, delivered a presentation on the planned A360 road closure and how it would impact Salisbury.


The Chairman noted that the electric cable was due to be buried in the A360 and asked why it not been arranged with local landowners to bury it in the fields instead. Asking who had given permission to SSE to close the road and dig it up?


The Board discussed the proposals and noted the recent frustration of local residents regarding the high level of roadworks and diversions experienced during the last few months.


The Board asked that a request be fed back to National Highways and relevant Wiltshire Highways officers that there would be no additional road works around Salisbury during the A360 road closure.


In addition to the request for no additional roadworks, the Board asked for compensation for Salisbury residents in the form of support towards the Street Lighting and Underpasses/Dark Places works around the city.


The Board also noted that if the diversion works had been signed off in 2021, there had been ample time for discussion with the Area Board prior to this meeting and questioned why the Area Board had not been involved in those discussions at an earlier date.


Concern regarding the repair work to the A360 following it being dug up was raised, resulting in the need for further repairs to the road in years to come. 


Public questions included:


·       The slide states the end of preliminary works as Oct 2025.

Answer: That is the  end date for the Stonehenge works.


·       The Woodford Valley would be impacted, as many cyclists use that route. What would be done to protect those using the route and damaging the roads?

Answer: As part of the scheme, we would bring in a temporary weight restriction, limiting the amount of HGV using the Woodford Valley. Measures could also be added if the monitoring scheme identified issues and we would be working with relevant enforcement authorities.


·       An example of where similar schemes did not work was in Ashley Road where notices displaying restrictions were knocked down by a HGV and stayed knocked down. How would you monitor it?

Answer: There would be phone numbers displayed to report issues as well as a monitoring scheme.


·       When were the works scheduled to finish and what was the penalty for overrunning?

Answer: Mid July – don’t have penalty clauses but will find out and feedback.



It was advised that further public consultation events would take place after March.



Feedback following the Highways Matters Event

Feedback following the recent Highways Matters event, held on 25 January 2024.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the Q&A sheet included within the agenda pack, which had been compiled following the Highways Matters Event. The Chairman advised that the Board would have regular update reports over the next few area board meetings.


The Board discussed the question-and-answer sheet where it was noted that it needed to be edited to pick up missing data and typos. A query relating to the Southampton Road Study was raised, noting that if the study was not available in the public domain, then reference should not be made to it.


The Board asked for a copy of the Southampton Road Study to be made available for the next meeting.


A request for a list of the cost of accident claims to the Council was made, specifically relating to injuries sustained on pathways and uneven roads in Salisbury.


Prior to the Highways Matters Event, people were invited to submit questions in advance. A list of responses to those questions had not been provided and was also requested for the next meeting.


It was;




The Area Board requested responses and reports as noted above to be provided in time for the next Area Board meeting.  




Area Board Priorities

An update on the Area Board Priorities from each of the Lead Councillors


Youth engagement, employment, and positive activity opportunities

Cllr Ricky Rogers

Addressing climate change


Cllr Sven Hocking

Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing


Cllr Caroline Corbin

Supporting underrepresented groups


Cllr Caroline Corbin

Improving transport and access


Cllr Sven Hocking



Youth engagement, employment and positive activity opportunities

Cllr Ricky Rogers updated on the Young Peoples Job Fair held at the Salisbury sixth form college which was well attended and the continued to visits to local youth clubs, noting that the level of provision across the clubs varied considerably.


A recent press announcement regarding the closure of the Foyer was of concern to Cllr rogers, he advised that he would be asking the relevant cabinet member to feedback the future arrangements of the care package and the future of the foyer project, which he would share at a future meeting.


As part of the Safer Streets funding, a new project with youth workers was taking place in the ST Edmunds and St Martins wards. The project has engaged up to 150 young people since December 2023 who have asked for more safe places and hang out spaces.


Addressing climate change

Cllr Sven Hocking updated on the progress of the Air Quality Management Group. He noted that outcomes had not been very productive and so he aimed to look at re-focusing the group to work on looking at a different set of priorities and outcomes, with the aim of reporting back some positive progress at the next meeting.


Flooding – The existing flood plan was only suitable for a major emergency, however a different flood plan was required for more localised floods, to access help more quickly. This may include a list of phone numbers for support, with a dedicated phone number for flood emergencies. The Environment Agency was supportive when called during the recent Salisbury floods, however the Police and Fire were not able to provide assistance unless there was a threat to life.


Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing

Karlene Jammeh, Area Board Delivery Officer gave thanks to all of the local  volunteers, groups and the Area Board Champions who carry out fantastic work.


Karlene urged everyone to take part in the Joint Strategic Needs Survey (JSNA) which was available online. The data from the survey would be used to focus the priorities for the year ahead.  online survey




Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Young People

Older & Vulnerable






Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Morning Star Salisbury

Essential improvements to the former Bowls Club in Victoria Park

Total Project Cost £15,187.68




Outdoor Activities and Adventures

Total Project Cost £10,000



Alzheimers Support

Scots Lane Dementia Day Club supporting local people living with dementia

Total Project Cost £2,080



St Marks Church

Church Hall Renovation Project

Total Project Cost £7,000



Salisbury Methodist Church

Installation of battery storage for existing solar panels and Air Source Heat Pump.

Total Project Cost £7,000



The Salisbury and Amesbury Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club

Salisbury and Amesbury AFVBC Gazebo

Total project cost £1299.70



Safer and Supportive Salisbury

Setting up a new Community Information

Hub in Salisbury

Total Project Cost £450




Older & Vulnerable Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Area Board Initiative - Carers and Past Carers Afternoon Tea and Mindfulness event

Total Project Cost £480



Safer and Supportive Salisbury

Safer Salisbury Showcase

Thriving on a Shoestring September 2024

Total Project Cost £1,545




Dementia Services Networking Event 2024

Total Project Cost £2,299



Safer and Supportive Salisbury

Print materials to Support Vulnerable People stay safe when out and about in Salisbury

Total Project Cost £500



Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested



Creative Wellbeing for Young People living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Total Project Cost £7,746



Splash Youth Action Wiltshire Community First

Salisbury Underpasses Project

Total Project Cost £10,160



Delegated Funding

There have been no funding awards made under the Delegated Funding Process, by the Strategic Engagement & Partnership Manager, between meetings.


Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting, noting that as this was the last meeting of the financial year, remaining balances were not enough to fund all applications in full.


The Board then heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of their project followed by any questions by the Board.



Community Area Grants:


Morning Star Salisbury - Bowls club improvements – requested £5,000

Applicants Mike and Kerry Badger spoke in support of the project, which involved running a support group for people struggling with isolation, homelessness and addiction.


The Board asked what level of engagement there had been with the building owners, Salisbury City Council (SCC).

Answer: SCC had offered 100% rent reduction for the first year and could fund maintenance costs but not improvement works.


The Chairman moved the motion to award a reduced amount of £4663.20, this was seconded by Cllr McClelland. 


It was;



Morning Star Salisbury was awarded £4663.20 towards the Bowls Club Improvement works.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24


Rise 61 – Outdoor Activities Programme – requested £3000

Applicant Joe Deal spoke in support of the project which was based on Bemerton Heath.


Cllr Rogers moved the motion to award a reduced amount of £2700. This ws seconded by Cllr Corbin.


It was;



Rise 61 was awarded £2700 towards the Outdoor Activity programme.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24


Alzheimer’s Support – Scots Lane Club – requested £1030

Applicant Julian Roberts spoke in support of the project which would support 12 people a day, providing sessions of 6 hours break for carers.


Cllr Sample moved the motion to award the full amount of £1030. This was seconded by Cllr Hocking.


It was:



Alzheimer’s Support was awarded £1030 towards the Scott’s Lane Club project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24



St Marks Church – Renovation – requested £3500

The Chairman noted that due to low remaining funding the applicant had agreed to defer consideration of this application until the next meeting.


It was;



To defer the application by St Marks Church for the Restoration Project until the next meeting.

Reason – To wait until further funding was available.


Salisbury Methodist Church– Battery Storage – requested £3500

Applicant Nigel Brooks spoke in support of the project to provide storage for the energy produced by the solar panels already installed.


Cllr Rogers moved the motion to award a reduced amount of £3100. This was seconded by Cllr Sample.


It was;



Salisbury Methodist Church was awarded £3100 towards Battery Storage.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24


Salisbury & Amesbury Armed Forces & Vets Breakfast Club – Gazebo – requested £649.85

Applicant Andy Heath spoke in support of the project which was to provide a purpose-built gazebo for the breakfasts which are held a couple times each month on Market Square.


Cllr Rogers moved the motion to award  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 13 February 2024, as set out in the attached report.




·       4c – Waters Road / Fairfield Road Street Nameplate – £307.50

·       4d – Parsonage Green No Waiting At Any Time Restrictions – £500.00

·       4h – Castle Street Keep Clear Marking – £1115.00

·       4j – Park Street Parking Bay Amendment – £500



Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the report and funding recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 13 February 2024.


The Board agreed to seek feedback on the list of schemes which were put forward for funding from the Salisbury Transportation Strategy, as there was noted frustration that progress had not been made.


Cllr Dalton noted that works to Norfolk Road had not been included on the Highways Maintenance Programme. Members were invited to send queries directly to the relevant Officer.


It was;




To approve the LHFIG funding recommendations to the following schemes:


·       4c – Waters Road / Fairfield Road Street Nameplate – £307.50

·       4d – Parsonage Green No Waiting At Any Time Restriction -£500.00

·       4h – Castle Street Keep Clear Marking – £1115.00

·       4j – Park Street Parking Bay Amendment – £500