Agenda item

Integrated Care Strategy Update

To receive an update on the Integrated Care Strategy.


The Board received a presentation from Richard Smale (Director of Strategy and Transformation, BSW Integrated Care Board). The item covered the following matters:


·       It was outlined that the following three key documents must be produced:

i)       Integrated Care Strategy – Developed by the ICP by 31 March 2023

ii)     Integrated Care Implementation Plan – Developed by the ICB by 30 June 2023

iii)    Operating Plan 2023/2024 – by 31 March 2023.

·       It was outlined that currently there are many strategies, and the Integrated Care Strategy would bring together elements from individual strategies whilst trying not to add complexity or duplication.

·       The status of local Health and Wellbeing Strategies was outlined as well as the lead support responsible for production.

·       It was outlined that there is a lot of consistency across the local Health and Wellbeing Strategies in terms of the key themes that have been identified.

·       The emergent priorities for the B&NES and Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Strategies were discussed and how the sentiments were shared.

·       It was stated that the thoughts of the Board would be welcome for feedback and that this would assist the strategy as it was still in draft form and would be generated over the coming months.


Comments were received in relation to the following points:


·       It was stated that currently there are a lot of strategies currently within the NHS and that there seems to be a lot of plans but not a lot of direction.

·       The deadline of March was emphasised with a need to bring partners together in agreement so that a direction could be set.

·       It was suggested that the report was medical heavy and that would be a challenge for those working in social care and wider public health elements. The importance of having plans as well as strategies was stressed.

·       The importance of language was discussed, with it acknowledged that different areas have differing definitions.

·       It was suggested that to have a direction would be helpful for the Board whilst in transition to understand and articulate the problem is that is looking to be solved.

·       It was questioned what the strategy would look like in five years’ time as well as the importance of what priorities are able to be formed out of data.

·       It was questioned how a member of the public would be able to notice a difference, how would it be possible to describe the difference through a public rather than service lens and how would it be possible to know whether something had been achieved in five years.

·       It was suggested that government guidance be considered in relation to what is expected from the ICS, with the guidance initially clear about prevention work to take demand out of the system.

·       It was suggested that the strategy is an opportunity to take a step back and think long term, rather than being reactive.

·       In April 2023 BSW would be responsible for pharmacies and dentists, it could therefore be an opportunity to use this area as an example about what is being done in communities.

·       The importance of understanding each organisation was stressed, with a need to understand what each service does and achieves.


Decision – The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board accepted the following recommended proposals:


i)                The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board noted the report provided.

Supporting documents: