Agenda item

City Hall Update

To note the written update and response to questions raised at the last meeting.



The Board noted the update attached to the agenda.


Questions and comments included:


1.     We were previously advised that due to the condition of the ceiling, a major inspection and a full survey was required. Had that work been done and could the Board have the details of the survey of the roof and ceiling?


2.     We were previously informed that it would take three months from the appointment of an agent, to announcing the name of the tenant for the 25-year lease.  The announcement of the appointment was made on 1 May 2024.  Savills had yet to advertise the opportunity or approach potential bidders.  Was the Council driving Savills to find a suitable tenant, within the stated timeline?


3.     Please reassure us that the updates on the timetable and decision-making process was on the Cabinet Forward Plan.


4.     City Hall was a vital part of the cultural and social offer within Salisbury.  How would Salisbury Area Board ensure that its priorities and social value would be included in the selection of an appropriate tenant?  Would Salisbury Area Board be included in the decision-making process?



The Chairman ensured that the questions would be put to the relevant officers for responses.


Responses to questions received after the meeting:


1.     Information regarding previous work and stages can be found on the page linked to: Salisbury City Hall - Wiltshire Council

2.     Following their appointment, Savills had been undertaking the extensive preparation work needed to market the City Hall opportunity. Given that the agreement would involve a 25+ year lease, it was important that this preparation work was carried out with diligence and to the highest standard. Given the commercial nature of the project and the need to ensure parity we are unable to provide any details of this phase of work at this time. However, council officers had been working with Savills to ensure that the opportunity was marketed professionally and efficiently. The opportunity would go live shortly. The 3-month period would begin once the opportunity was live. Stakeholders would be kept informed in due course.

3.     Wiltshire Council remained committed to the reopening of City Hall as an arts and entertainment venue. It was included as a priority in the new Salisbury Culture Strategy and will also be included in the Wiltshire Cultural Strategy that would be published shortly. Following the 3-month period the Council would ascertain the evidence that would inform future decisions.

4.     The council fully appreciate the importance of, and the vital part City Hall can play in the cultural and social offer within Salisbury. Whilst social value would be part of any conversation with a prospective operator, it was also important to secure an operator who could make the venue a sustainable cultural asset for the city and residents. However, as indicated previously, where a social value policy was available, we would ask a bidder to provide it but it would not form part of any scoring. Selection of an operator would be undertaken using officer delegated authority with appropriate internal consultation, the Area Board would be the first stakeholder to be informed once a decision has been made.



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