Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team – Inspector Tina Osborn

·       Parish Councils and Community groups

·       Update from the 16 May Local Youth Forum of Partners meeting



Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:

·       Police

·       Fire & Rescue webpage: Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service | News & Incidents (

·       Health & Wellbeing Group Summary of May meeting




The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Neighbourhood Police Team – Inspector Tina Osborn

In addition to the written update in the agenda pack, Inspector Osborn gave a summary of the local priorities, which included:


Officers had attended three dwellings in Downton following burglaries and with the use of video doorbell camera footage, had managed to identify a suspect, in collaboration with Hampshire Police. That suspect was now in custody.


Numbers of reported offences were currently low, seasonal offences were expected to rise over the next few months.


A bike marking event recently took pace with around 25 bikes being marked.


A press release highlighting a current scam targeting vulnerable elderly people had been circulated. The scam involved scammers pretending to be police officers, contacting victims to advise that their bank card had been cloned and used in Tesco, then they ask the victim to go to the bank to withdraw money. If anyone receives a call like this, call 999 to verify details, do not use the telephone number provided by the scammers.


There were 2 new members of the team, PC Ramsey and PC Evans, a meet the team event was planned shortly and would be publicised in due course.


Police Road Safety Partnership – Perry Payne

Perry gave a summary of the data provided within the pack, followed by an opportunity for questions, which included: 


Q – When completing the form to be a Speedwatch volunteer, the first line advises not to complete the form unless a speed survey had been done. I volunteered 3 years ago and tried 3 times and gave up then went on a course and now run 2 groups. The whole process is made to be too difficult to get trained and on a group.

A – I will take that back to the Speedwatch Team.


Q – I cycle for commuting and have a camera and see people speeding, but  when I fill the police form out it asks you to complete a second form, which most people will not bother to do.

A – I will feed that back, there are some legal issues around video upload times. The process is being looked at currently.


Q – Laverstock & Ford had the same issues over 2 years with trying to get a team set up, now we have been told that all training is out of date and have to retrain. The delays in the process are frustrating.

A – I will take that back to the Speedwatch Team.


Q – Winterbourne PC had road safety and speeding as a priority for some time. Without the traffic survey there is a limit to what can be requested, we now have the road traffic survey. The two things we can do are CSW and speed indicator displays (SIDs). Anything you can do to make it easier for parishes to get up and running with those the better outcome for all.

A - Email me directly and let me have the details – I will respond to you directly.


Q - Was there communication with the motorcycle road safety people and road safe teams? Currently I have to go to the north of the county each time I do a course like this. Is there any way these courses could take place in the south.

Trying to find a location to do the advanced driving course is very difficult with a 3 month wait

A – Email me and I will respond. There is a big bike meet in Calne in July and the partnership had started to buy resources for bikes. Next time we have a partnership meeting I will raise this.


Q – In Alderbury the Speedwatch Group could do a lot more shifts if we did not have to share the camera with a parish or if we shared with a parish that did not use the camera so much. We have the capacity to do more but cannot access the camera enough. 

A – Resources are being moved around to those areas that are more active. I will look at this. We are also looking at purchasing more cameras.


The Chairman thanked Perry for attending and asked whether he could provide written responses to the questions at the next meeting.



Local Youth Forum of Partners –

An event was held on 16 May 2024, to look at the JSNA data and considered the option of taking forward a work package.


Karen Linaker, Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager noted the importance of young people as a priority for the area board, and the history of the delivery of an offer of positive activities for young people across the community area.


Karen noted that there were 60+ organisations which made up the local youth network. In the rural areas there were gaps in provision and services were often not easily accessible. Officers form Community First had been helping to find activities which young people wished to engage in.


The aim was to become more collaborative with the providers and groups.


Community Updates

Cllr Oliver drew attention to the flyers which had been circulated for the Boscombe Down D Day landings event which was to be held on 6-8 June 2024.


Written Updates

The Board also noted the written updates attached to the agenda; these were:


-       Police

-       Fire & Rescue webpage: Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service | News & Incidents (

-       Health & Wellbeing Group Summary of May meeting


Supporting documents: