Agenda item

Management Committee Task Groups

To receive updates on recent activity on the following Task Groups:

  • Evolve Programme Task Group
  • Stone Circle Governance Task Group
  • Transformation Task Group



A report was received on the Task Groups and Panels established by the Management Committee.


Evolve Programme Task Group


Cllr Jon Hubbard, Task Group Chairman outlined that an extensive report had been included within the pack, however headlines included that the Oracle System was now up and running, with some rollout still to be completed regarding finance teams and budget holders; which had been considered in a report at the last meeting. It was stated that as the project was ending there would be an opportunity for the Task Group to consider challenges which had been experienced, with a final report set to focus on those, including the procurement methodology and staffing issues. Praise was directed to Stuart Honeyball, Director Business Transformation and his team for a good rollout as well as credit for the Payroll team who had effectively completed two months’ work in one month using both the SAP and Oracle systems.


Cllr Hubbard also raised a point regarding the current overtime policy of the Council and how there was not an incentive for people to work bank holidays. Lizzie Watkin, Director Finance expressed that this policy was currently being investigated and that the Director HR wanted to ensure that staff were incentivised and rewarded in the right way; however the right policies and mechanisms would need to be in place for this.


Stone Circle Governance Task Group


Cllr Ruth Hopkinson, Task Group Chairman outlined that the purpose of the Task Group was to look at future governance and scrutiny, however it was evident at the start of the process that most of the councillors involved did not understand Stone Circle as well as what information was available. Time was therefore spent investigating this which had led to it being determined what information was and was not available as well as identifying what was not being produced. Gratitude was placed to Democratic Services, who had provided support over a number of meetings. It was outlined that the Task Group now had most of the information needed and that some recommendations had materialised, with it hoped that there would be another meeting to decide on recommendations as well as a written response.


Cllr Ridout praised the Chairman for allowing this Task Group to exist and function separately from the Financial Planning Group.


Cllr Clewer also expressed that there was a Stone Circle Shareholders Group, which he wanted to be ran as openly as possible, with Members welcome to attend and submit questions from an operational perspective.


Transformation Task Group


It was noted that this was a new task group, with the proposed terms of reference set out in the report for Committee endorsement. Like with the Stone Circle Task Group, the objective initially would be to consider how scrutiny of the council’s transformation activity should be conducted, therefore recommendations on that would be brought back to Management Committee in due course.


The Chairman noted that currently Cllrs Hubbard, Williams and himself were sat on this Task Group and encouraged anyone interested to join.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed:


1.    To note the update on the Task Group activity provided.

2.    To approve the proposed terms of reference and membership for the Transformation Task Group.

Supporting documents: