Agenda item

Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Older & Vulnerable

Young People





Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Trowbridge Town Football Club – Floodlights for Trowbridge Town Football Club



Studley Green Community Association – Studley Green Community Centre Refurbishment Phase 2



HELP Counselling Services – New Laptop and Office Equipment for New Member of Staff



Hilperton Village Hall – New Roof at Hilperton Village Hall



Avon Valley Runners – Avon Valley Runners Running Track Refurbishment



Equinox Explorer Scout Unit – Access Ramp for Equinox ESU Paddle Sport Project



Older & Vulnerable Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Trowbridge Debt Advice Service – Financial Budgeting for All



Families Out Loud – Trowbridge Client Support



Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – Blue Influencers Scheme



Youth Adventure Trust – Supporting Disadvantaged Young People in Trowbridge



Sustainable Image Lab CIC – Colour and Light Youth Art Programme



Wiltshire Youth for Christ – Summer Holiday Pop-Up Youth Week in Stallards Park



Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.


The Area Board considered the following applications for funding:


Community Area Grants:


·       Trowbridge Town Football Club - £5,000 towards Floodlights for Trowbridge Town Football Club


During the discussion, it was clarified that all Members could vote on the grant unless an interest had been declared, and that both Natural England and the Wiltshire Council Ecology Officer were happy with the conditions as set out within the associated planning application. On the motion of Councillor Antonio Piazza, seconded by Councillor Daniel Cave, it was:




The Area Board awarded £5,000 to Trowbridge Town Football Club towards Floodlights for Trowbridge Town Football Club.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.



·       Studley Green Community Association - £2,172.22 towards Studley Green Community Centre Refurbishment Phase 2


During the discussion, it was clarified that all Members could vote on the grant unless an interest had been declared. On the motion of Councillor Daniel Cave, seconded by Councillor Mel Jacob, it was:




The Area Board awarded £2,172.22 to Studley Green Community Association towards Studley Green Community Centre Refurbishment Phase 2.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.



·       HELP Counselling Services – £692 towards New Laptop and Office Equipment for New Member of Staff


On the motion of Councillor Daniel Cave, seconded by Councillor David Vigar, it was:




The Area Board awarded £692 to HELP Counselling Services towards a New Laptop and Office Equipment for New Member of Staff.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.



·       Hilperton Village Hall – £ 3,750 towards New Roof at Hilperton Village Hall


On the motion of Councillor Daniel Cave, seconded by Councillor Antonio Piazza, it was:




The Area Board awarded £3,750 to Hilperton Village Hall towards New Roof at Hilperton Village Hall.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.


Councillor Ernie Clark requested that his abstention during the vote be recorded.



·       Avon Valley Runners – £1,130 towards Avon Valley Runners Running Track Refurbishment


During the discussion, the arrangements of different groups using the track through organised sessions was clarified, and Councillors gave their condolences to the applicants, whose Chair had recently passed away. On the motion of Councillor Antonio Piazza, seconded by Councillor Daniel Cave, it was:




The Area Board awarded £1,130 to Avon Valley Runners towards Avon Valley Runners Running Track Refurbishment.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.



·       Equinox Explorer Scout Unit – £5,000 towards Access Ramp for Equinox ESU Paddle Sport Project


During the discussion, accessibility issues and future plans with respect to safety equipment and facilities was clarified. On the motion of Councillor Daniel Cave, seconded by Councillor Ernie Clark, it was:




The Area Board awarded £5,000 to Equinox Explorer Scout Unit towards an Access Ramp for Equinox ESU Paddle Sport Project.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.




Older and Vulnerable Grants:


·       Trowbridge Debt Advice Service – £500 towards Financial Budgeting for All


On the motion of Councillor Edward Kirk, seconded by Councillor Mel Jacob, it was:




The Area Board awarded £500 to Trowbridge Debt Advice Service towards Financial Budgeting for All.


Reason – The application met the Older and Vulnerable Grants Criteria.


Councillor Antonio Piazza left the room for this grant application as per his declaration.



·       Families Out Loud – £4,919 towards Trowbridge Client Support


During the discussion, Members suggested that as the applicants also supported young people, and they were forecasting an increase in clients, a proportion of the funding should be awarded from the Young People funding pot. On the motion of Councillor Edward Kirk, seconded by Councillor Mel Jacob, it was:




The Area Board awarded £4,919 to Families Out Loud towards Trowbridge Client Support, with the respective amounts being taken from the following funding pots:


-       £3,443.30 from the Older and Vulnerable pot.

-       1,475.70 from the Young People pot.


Reason – The application met the Older and Vulnerable Grants Criteria.




Young People Grants:


·       Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – £4,600 towards Blue Influencers Scheme


During the discussion, the applicant provided additional information as to the scheme itself and the different types of projects that young people could choose to support. On the motion of Councillor Mel Jacob, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was:




The Area Board awarded £4,600 to Wiltshire Wildlife Trust towards Blue Influencers Scheme.


Reason – The application met the Young People Grants Criteria.



·       Youth Adventure Trust – £4,000 towards Supporting Disadvantaged Young People in Trowbridge


On the motion of Councillor David Vigar, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was:




The Area Board awarded £4,000 to Youth Adventure Trust towards Supporting Disadvantaged Young People in Trowbridge.


Reason – The application met the Young People Grants Criteria.



·       Sustainable Image Lab CIC – £2,460 towards Colour and Light Youth Art Programme


During the discussion, the applicant explained the arrangements and breakdown in costs associated with the programme. Councillor Mel Jacob, seconded by Councillor Antonio Piazza, moved to award the grant in full. Following a vote, the motion fell due to an equal number of votes cast For and Against and both the Chair and Vice-Chair unable to make a casting vote as per their declarations.


Councillor Mel Jacob then moved to award £1,750, seconded by Councillor Antonio Piazza. Following a vote, the motion again fell due to the reasons stated above. As such, the grant application could not be determined.



·       Wiltshire Youth for Christ – £505 towards Summer Holiday Pop-Up Youth Week in Stallards Park


On the motion of Councillor Stewart Palmen, seconded by Councillor Antonio Piazza, it was:




The Area Board awarded £505 to Wiltshire Youth for Christ towards Summer Holiday Pop-Up Youth Week in Stallards Park.


Reason – The application met the Young People Grant Criteria.


Supporting documents: